We set out by the main ramp late in the afternoon yesterday. Gianni and Rugbystar were already set when Jake and I got there around 4:30. Action was slow to non-existent. There were quite a few other shacks in the area, so I’m not sure if they were into fish or not, but in general a slow day. Rugby had gotten into some small gills.
Jake and I stuck it out until 8:30, we were the second to last group to pack it up as the bitter cold prompted us to decide a bar with some hot food and cold beer was a better option. Earlier, before he left, Gianni quickly buzzed us a few holes that showed active fish; apparently active, but not hungry!
On the way to Solon, I stopped at the ramp on the north shore of the north arm and drilled some holes just to gauge ice depth. I drilled about 6 holes from shore to about 200 yards out, all were showing at least 8″ of ice in that area. No sonar, so I am unsure if there was anything down there. This is just across from the sailboat pen. There was no evidence of other fisherman. Wonder if that is a good or bad sign?
My son wants to fish today. We will either try that “new” area @ the Mac or head over to PC.
Joe Jiacinto