I had the same problem last year with my Otter Resort. At my size and age, I could just see myself falling backwards into the house and bending the heck out of the aluminum poles! (Or equipment and humans!) I went out and got a 1/2″ sheet of treated plywood, (I would have gone to 3/8″, but Home Depot didn’t have any.) I cut 3 large holes for fishing and 1 small hole for the Vexilar. I first shovel a clear spot on the ice, mark the 4 holes to be drilled with the plywood, remove the plywood and then drill the holes. I then shovel off the ice chips and slush, and lay down the plywood, and continue to set up the house. After a short time, the wood is completely dry, (except for when you get it wet from catching all those fish!) I have used it twice this year, and have had no problem with the wood freezing to the ice. In fact, I was suprised that even the hole that I have the Vexilar in, didn’t freeze up. I thought that with the small hole in the plywood, that I would have to chip out the transducer. Now this isn’t the best option, if you are constantly moving, or early ice when you can’t drive your truck to the spot, since the wood is kind of heavy and bulky, and if you don’t have a long box, the 4 X 8 sheet will not fit well.