Fish Trap Comments please

  • zoomer
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Looking at my first shelter and am very interested in the new Fish Trap Yukon. Any comments good or bad would be appreciated. Would it be better to wait another month and try to catch one on sale? or do they not really mark them down that much. I heard that there is a minimum set by the manufacture that retailers can not go below. Also what would be the best system to try to heat one. Mr. Heater perhaps??
    Thanks in advance for your input

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    I am not familar with the Yukon. I have the scout. The one man is lite and great for gun and run fishing. As far as a heater I have used the Mr. Heater and had trouble with it blowing out. I now have the Coleman Pro Cat and it has been very reliable for me. It ptus out 3,000 BTU’s and burns a 1lb bottle in 7hrs. It also has a fan to circulate the heat on the real cold days. Hope you find what you are looking for and good luck on the ice.

    Mazeppa, Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    I have the fish trap guide series. It’s not as big as yours but it is a 2 man. I love it, I use a big buddy heater that sells for about 120 at fleet farm. It has a place for two 1lb tanks or you can buy the adapter hose and run the bigger tanks. It also has a fan that runs in 4D batteries. That heater heats my shack up really good. I put it on low and its perfect. Another thing that is noice about this heater is that you can put it right up against the tarp because th back does not get warm. You have to pack snow around the outside flap on your shack so your holes don’t freeze over. I wouldn’t go with the sunflower heater types. The trap front door folds down to the ice at an angle and the sunflower heater would hit unless you place it really close to the tub. Also another problem with them is that they heat to good. You always have to turn them on and off. They also make the buddy heater that is not quite as big that sells for about 80 but im not sure. The Fish Trap that you are looking at is an extreamly nice shack. I would pick it up and start enjoying it.
    Hope this helps

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036

    I have never used the Yukon, but I have put a few together and sold some. The hardest part is putting them together. It takes a few hours, but it is all time saved on the ice. The chairs are better than any other ones I have used. They slide side to side and back and forth. The chairs also swivel. The rod storage shelf and the pop holder seem lika waste of time to me. There is plenty of room in them for two people. I don’t know if they ever go on sale, but they have been selling fast and there might not be many left.

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 598

    Zoomer,I just bought the yukon this year and love it.I had looked at the frabils,otters and eskimos also but found the best value to be the yukon.I had the guide but decided to upgrade to the yukon for the height,seats,and the center console is very handy.You can’t go wrong with the yukon.I also use a mr heater on low most of the time with my coat off.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Thanks for all the great comments. Wildfan do you use the mr. heater that sells for around $70, or the one that runs about $130? The next step is convincing the wife that I absolutely must have this and that it is ok for a family of 6 to eat plain white rice and water for two months to pay for it!! Wish me luck

    Posts: 112

    I am sure the tents have changed in the last two years since I bought my Frabill. But one consideration I had back then was some of the tents had the windows up too high, what I mean is you had to stand up to look out. If you were going to set up tip ups you would constantly be “up and down” which seemed very annoying to me. Another factor was weight, another was do the make a nice tow bar? The other issue for me was can I seat my wife and young son in the tent if we all wanted to warm up or jig fish in the tent at the same time. Also, are they dark enough inside so you can look down the hole. These are some of the points I considered before I bought. Good luck. – jim

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    My dad has the Yukon. You get what you pay for in portable houses. If you are not going to be towing it ever, the USL products will work for you. The canvas has improved over the years but is still cheap compared to what is on a Polar Sled.

    I am sponsored by Polar and believe they make the best houses by far. The Nordic 2 man by polar is the best house I have found. It will not cost much more than the Yukon, but will last and it can be towed easily, we do it all the time.

    No matter what you get, if you plan to tow it, get the Hyfax kit for it. The Nordics can be hard to find this time of year, but I know Gander Mountains carry them. Worth checking out before you drop the $$. My dad wishes he would have got the Nordic this year after he saw mine.

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