Halfmoon Reports

  • fishingdaskoal
    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I’ll make this post for the many little reports I will have on Halfmoon, and other people as well.

    Headed down tonight and caught two keeper gills and an ok perch and a shiner about 12 inches long! The rest was tiny bluegills, not big enough to feed the local fox on the lake. Other people were out throwin tip-ups, just gittin tiny bass.

    I hope to see other’s reports on Halfmoon.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Thanks for the update Joe. I opted for bowhunting the last few days of the season especially since it was freezing rain and raining and foggy out yesterday. Have you or anyone been fishing in-between the dams on the Chippewa,across the tracks and down that big hill just downstream from the VFW? Once the ice gets good that’s always a great spot fo gather some jumbo crappies. When you fished up at Fireside did you try any of the other little laks up that way? I remember fishing Bob Howe lake and others but I haven’t been up there in a while I wonder how Cornell Lake is this year? There are some dandy bluegills in there and plenty of northerns to keep your tip ups jumping!! Steve

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Leinie, are you thinking of Dells Pond in EauClaire?
    We did not hit any other lakes up there, but plan to soon.

    My buddy just got a 28” Walleye outta halfmoon and some smaller one. I have located the pillings of an old bridge that one went accross the lake. I would like to concentrate more there, for many fish may hold there I hope.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Yep Dells pond. There are some really nice crappies in there. I would think the old pilings would be a good bet for fish holding structure. How thick is the ice on half moon now? Steve

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Well last time I was there, there must have been a good 10 inches, maybe more.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I beilieve the contest is this coming weekend. Anyone hittin it?

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    Its the 22nd right? Who are you going with? maybe I could set up next to you…you have your spot picked out?

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Which contest are you guys talking about? Steve

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I heard the contest is this weekend, the 15th at Brauns Bay.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    What are the times?

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    12-3 I beilieve. Git there early though, as you can only fish a limmited area of the lake.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    They guy at the bait store told me last night the tournament is going to be next weekend the 22nd noon-3 so idk? whats going on there this weekend? ? ?

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Can give out more specifics on the fishing contest. Type of fish, who hosts, location, etc.. would appreciate any info. Thanks.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Hey bowhunter, what bait store? A buddy of mine works at Chucks on Clairmont bar and he said theres a poster that says this weekend. He could be wrong.

    I thik it is just normal fish grouping. Panfish, bass, pike and a other catergorie. Its at the Brauns Bay area of Halfmoon Lake in the town of Eau Claire. Just enter by the Dairy Queen off of Hwy. 12 and Menomonie street.


    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    I got the exact date. Its Jan 22 from noon to 3. We have a poster here at work. Jan 22 12-3. $150 for first place in each fish category 2nd and 3rd idk? Who is planning on going?

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Thank you Joe and Bowhuntr24. If I’m not in Hayward, I will definitely be there. Would love to hookup. Relatively new to the hard water fishing. Should know more by early next week.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Your right, its on the 22nd. My fault. My friend was wrong It must be damn good sponsors if its $150 for first place. Im still goin on the 22nd. If any of you go we should meet and talk.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927


    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    Well being since I have never fished this lake how about you pick a spot and we try to meet up…I am planning on getting on the lake EARLY that morning so if you want to tell me what part to fish…I can meet you there then! What are you going to plan on fishing for that day? northern? panfish? walleye? tip-ups? what kind of minnows? let me know I can bring extra bait..

    Eau Claire, Wisconsin
    Posts: 19

    Joe, what part do you fish the big part or the little back part. Only ice fished it once on the little back part down the bank from the train. Cought some real nice perch and one little eye. its a nice short drive for me. If you fish most the lakes around here do you ever get to altoona, would like to know how the bite is out there.


    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    bowhuntr, this contest is only in the premisis of the Brauns Bay area. We cannot fish the whole lake. So it gits packed very quickly. I plan on gittin there early too, sometime before 9am. Shiners work the best here, preferebly small for walleye and bass, and larger for pike. Your best bet is for pike and bass, as walleye will not hit during the day in the 8 foot deep lake. I will PM you later about meeting up.

    Perch Killer, By the train is a good spot. There is two dirt boat landings across from the train where you can put out. Its very good for bass and walleye. Some large eyes in the upper 20’s got pulled outta there this winter.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    A night bite for these eyes? Is that what your saying? at this train spot? how do i get there?

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Well it may be slow at times, but i will give you directions.
    Going east down menomonie street (off of 12) take a left where you see Riverside Bike And Sport. There should be a big apartment complex on your left too. Oxbow Villa or something. Go straight, accross the bike trail and you will come to a dirt parking lot. Go down the easiest boat landing and the walleyes are to the right more on the lake. Closer to the open water. If you need more directions, post back.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    Well I drove out here, and that entire lake is small…what area do they open for the tourny? I know its called brauns bay but where the heck exactly or how much area does this take up? Can you fish before the tourny? If you could explain if it goes past them first two areators that would be away for me to understand what your describing…and where are you planning on fishing?

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Yeah its small. The railroad walleye spot I mentioned is not in the tourney. You cannot go past the aerotors, and cannot go to the end of the lake. There is boundry lines that will be put up I think. Like I said, its small area so get there early. I will put out closer to the side opposite boat landing.
    Even though it is a small lake, dont be discouraged. It holds big fish. You still going?

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    You bet..it will just be me..so who you going with? I might try to get jason sullivan…another guy who has posted a few in the lake wissota message board….but not sure if he can go…so is there usually alot of people at this tourny? Have you ever placed? How much is the entry fee? So that boat landing right at brauns bay your going straight across? i will try it tonight in that area…is that area any good for jigging? i see that everybody usually is set up past them areators….well let me know..I guess i will just plan on being there super early..sit in my shack and hang out i guess

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Yeah I am heading early. I will have a brown coat and brown bibs. Probly will have a fire and some cars out there. Might head out there wensday to try it out. What color is your shack. Im unsure on entry fee, probly $3 or so. I know you cant go past aerators, oh well. Talk there.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    Well how early is early for you? I was thinking I might go at about 9 or so…can you fish before the tourny?

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    So in the past how big have these winning fish been? I went out after work the other day and got myself a 12 in crappie….how would’ve that placed? if anything…the bite is a little slow…but managed a few crappies in a few hours….what depth water are you going to setup in for the tourny? going to jig? or just tip-up?

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I cannot remember the fish on the board, but that crappie would have been good. Enter anything, you might just git lucky. Im gointa set up tip ups mainly. I was thinking of being there about 830 to set everything up. We might git a fire goin if its cold. Im planning on fishing before the contest. What kinda vehicle you got?

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