I got spanked again by the pannies in front of Schaefers this morning and afternoon
But, on a good note, I got to play with the new Aqua View Scout
. I have mixed feelings about those cameras. When I fished with the vex and the fish came up to a jig, stared and left, it was no big deal because I figured they were dinks anyway. Well, let me tell ya….WRONG
, at least sometimes anyway. Today I got to watch hundreds of fish race to the jig, stare and then back away and there were some dandies in there
I tried every color, size, technique, and bait I had to no avail. The fish were there, I just couldn’t get them figured out at all. The best part was late in the afternoon. A big northern came across the top of the screen so all I could see was the gills, then the fins, and finally the tail. I was thinking, oh no, he is going for the camera. Then a little later he came face to face with the camera in a stare down. That was just awesome. But they weren’t done yet. For probably 10-15 minutes the northern(s) paraded in front of the camera. It/they would slowly disappear into the weeds and then reappear from a different place. They just vanish in the weeds. Needless to say, the gills got the heck out of Dodge. So far the camera has been very eye opening and fun.