Give me some idea’s on how you guys anchor down your portable shacks. I have a two man Snowbird, it is terrible in the wind.
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Ice Shack Anchor?
November 23, 2004 at 2:22 am #328654
I don’t have any..but have you seen the one that Cabela’s carries? Auger a hole about 6 inches into the ice then the inverted T expands in the hole. The rope is tied to that…I didn’t look at the price…but they looked like a solid anchor.
I know some folks that attach an old rope to their house, lay the end on the ice and pour water on it. Generally have to cut the rope to get it free….hmmm…biodegradeable rope?November 23, 2004 at 2:24 am #328655I usually bring my friend ken along. If he’s sitting in there, it ain’t gonna move
Seriously, I’ve wondered if a guy couldn’t use 10 inch spikes and just hammer them into the ice, then run guys back to the portable. I hope somebody has a good answer for thsi one because i hate missing good spots becasue I’m ducking the wind.
November 23, 2004 at 2:35 am #328659Just got a catalog from Reeds today and they have ice anchor kits. 2 self tapping spikes with 2 quick release nylon straps. 11.95 This isn’t meant to advertise, just to let you know what is out there.
November 23, 2004 at 2:57 am #328663I use to have 300 lbs to hold it still. This year I’m hopeing to go for a ride in the wind.
Seriously, I have never had to anchor but I fish small bodies of water so I don’t have the wind problem that you might get on a big lake.
Thanks, Bill
November 23, 2004 at 3:02 am #328664Memory is the first to go…right Herb?
I just remembered, I bought a $3. plastic mini snow shovel last year..I used that to build up a little slush from the hole/snow around the sled…but we did have a little snow all year last year. Might not work too good with just ice.
November 23, 2004 at 3:11 am #328666Lost my memory a long time ago. But if I ever find it again, maybe I can remember why mom told me I could go blind.
November 23, 2004 at 3:26 am #328678i just use the auger and drill down enough to have the auger stand straight up and have the rope around the base of the auger.
November 23, 2004 at 3:29 am #328680That’s way too easy…why didn’t I think of that?
So your saying we don’t have to spend any money? No specialized equipment? No brand name so we can’t wear the logo?
Nope, won’t work.
November 23, 2004 at 3:31 am #328681I usually open the door and toss out my anchor, I figure if it holds a 16 foot boat it should hold a little ol ice shanty!
November 23, 2004 at 3:33 am #328683you could also watch reruns of mcgyver and twiddle a roll of duct tape and brainstorm an idea or two there. just thinking if those screws on steroids we use ofr hanging crap in the garage wouldn’t work too? there’s a million dollar idea!
November 23, 2004 at 2:10 pm #328714Before I had a heavier portable I would drill the auger down and put the rope around it. Now if it is that windy and I have to get out of the house I just flip open the top. With the Polar Sleds I have yet to have wind move the house with the top flipped open. Or with the top close and someone in it. There are many benefits to having a durable sled with your portable.
I went for a few rides in my first Clam
November 24, 2004 at 12:54 am #328777herb
where do I get a Reeds catalog or where are they located or a website to look at the spikes and strapes ???November 24, 2004 at 3:54 am #328807After looking at the anchors available, I thought a couple threaded rods with a threaded coupler in the middle would do the trick. Haven’t tried it yet but it’s something I probably have out in the garage somewhere. Just turn the rods out and you’re there!….I think
November 24, 2004 at 4:09 am #328809Guys:
Here’s a couple of tricks we have used on Chequamegon Bay and Trout Lake.
1. Bring a sturdy stick with about 18″ long and tie your rope to the middle of it. Push into an fully open ice hole and wedge it crossways on the bottom of the hole. Use a skimmer to push the rope to one side and down and the stick even returns when you want to leave.
2. Late in the year when using vehicles, I tied off to the hitch on my truck. I haven’t tried with the snowmobile yet, but I bet there is someplace to tie off on it as well.
Good luck and don’t blow away!!!
November 24, 2004 at 6:00 am #328820last year i went out on coon with around 30 MPH. I drilled 2 holes and tied my rope through both and tied the shack off. just putting my hand down in that cold water was a rude awaking. that is why i have a real long rope that i pull it out with. also if I happened to fall in, i have that long rope to find my way out.
November 24, 2004 at 7:05 pm #328918I have a two man Clam Trap. I took the Idea of those anchors and made my own. I drilled two holes, one in each corner of the back of the base. I threaded rope in each with a knot on the end to hold it. On the other end I tied a six inch bolt or metal brace any long skinny piece of metal. I drill two holes a couple inches deep in the ice and jam the metal pieces in sideways. Pull the shelter tight and you are set. Found all the supplies around the house and saved a couple bucks.
November 24, 2004 at 9:22 pm #328941I leave the shack hitched to my ATV. I figured it was a good excuse to buy an ATV.
November 24, 2004 at 11:59 pm #328965Well so far I’m gona try fishing with more fat guys on windy days and get some ATV prices.
November 25, 2004 at 1:59 pm #329051Hey Fish any Time…that’s what I did!
What type of insurance do you have on you ATV.
I’m thinking liability and theft …only.My agents going to be calling me with the quotes Friday..just wondering what everyone else is doing …and why?
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