Lowrance X67c ?

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    Anybody try one these last year? According to the latest
    In-Fisherman they are the cats meow and better than any flasher. Opinions?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I put one on my boat last year. I use it for back trolling / rigging for eyes. I like the detail of the color. Very easy to see seperation. I use the flasher mode if I’m jigging back there. I have a little more confidence in my Vexilar. Although I have way more time and hours using that icefishing under more controlled conditions (not moving or drifting). I have yet to use my X67c through the ice. don’t see the reason I have my Vexilar set up to come off the boat when there is ice.

    Summary: I like the color, and being able to flip from a flasher to a graph depending on my fishing. Better than a Vexilar?????? Not sure. It may depend if you would like a graph and a Flasher then yes it is better in my opinion. They cost about the same.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Ive only seen it once in action and could not tell what was fish,bottom or bait with soo many colors on the display. It looked like a real mess to me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I don’t know Suzuki…I haven’t used one…but it’s going to be hard to beat a Vex…although I’m not sponsored by anyone….they are a proven workhorse.

    My one (small) thought is about the LCD in the winter…this may use less power than a Vex (or any flasher) but what about in real cold weather without a house…don’t the pixals go goofy?

    I’ve used the flasher mode on my 19c…a little…last summer. I didn’t care for the up/down button for the sensitivity which you had to access through the menu screen…Just like a Vex..you have to adjust the sensitivity…or you would have the issue that Derek described. (I’m assuming here Derek)

    I like the knobs on the Vex. They are the “Green Box” of the winter.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    I feel the same way but you should read that article. These guys claim you can see more once you get used to it. I’ll stick with my flasher for now too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I know…I’m a skeptic when it comes to the claims of a mag that is sponsored by a product…

    I think that comes from my Dad. He read an artical about a panfish cleaning tool (it was actually advertised in the fishiing law about three years ago).

    The person writting the artical stated that “this was truely a break through in panfish cleaning”. All my Dad fished for was panfish…so he ordered one at $45.
    Once you scaled the fish and cut it’s head off, you placed it in this box. There was a knife in it with two blades attached to it…With one cut, you would get two fillets…then have to remove the ribs.

    I still give him crap about that…he plans on putting it into his will for me to receive….I think that will be the only way for him to get rid of it!

    Suzuki, I couldn’t find the artical…what page is it on?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    Page 38. In’s in the middle of the article titled “Big Water Walleye Wisdon On Ice”

    In-Fisherman Decemeber 2004

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I was not impressed at all by the X67. I do not think they are the future of ice fishing. This is just my personal opinion. I am sponsored by MarCum and still believe they make the finest ice fishing flasher available to date.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Scott…can you make a believer out of me? I’ve never used a MarCum flasher…so let me try one side by side with the Vex for a month…

    Vex has outstanding customer service. The only experiance I’ve had with MarCum was an email I sent to them…which was promptly responded to….

    I’m still not sponsored by anyone….

    ps I’m also a skeptic when someone recommends a product that they are sponsered by…(nothing personal Scott…I’m that way with everyone)

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Brian, I am not asking you to be a believer. I have the luxury of trying most new products when they come out. Some never actually “come out to the public”. All I am giving is my personal experience. I got to try the “Ice Machine” (M68C I believe) last year and was not impressed at all. I also have seen Lowrance Graphs working in “flasher” mode and am not impressed. I have yet to find a new Lowrance product that works well for ice fishing. I have nothing against Lowrance, I currently use their graphs in the summer.

    As for a GPS ice fishing, I prefer Garmin Products. I think Garmin makes some of the best out there. I prefer a handheld that I can mount in my vehicle and use while driving on the ice or in my pocket while traveling on foot or ATV.

    Now, back to flashers. If you use the MarCum LX-3 against a FL-18 for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND of fishing. You will choose the MarCum at the end of the weekend. I have yet to have someone tell me otherwise. I have had many people use one of my units for the weekend and they are sold after a couple days. The reason I say a weekend is because the display is very crisp and defined on the MarCum so it takes getting used to if you are used to seeing the big blurry marks on the Vexilar.

    One other reason that I have to mention is the fact that I can fish two MarCum units in the same house and not have a problem. The IR on the MarCum really works well.

    Now, I am sure you will get others bashing one product or another because they have a lot of product loyalty to their “brand”. I am saying this because I have tried a lot of products and I believe the ones I recommend have passed my test as an avid ice angler.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    I have been using a Colorpoint for the last 4 years. It is the predecessor to the Marcum. No problems so I will keep using it. They initially had a bad rep and I have personally seen broken new units but I must have got a good one. It is very susceptible to interference from any other units inlcuing Vexilar. Otherwise the display works very well. If it broke I’m not sure what I would get.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    No, Scott you didn’t ask me to be a believer…I asked you to make me one .

    I can tell you have a lot of passion behind your comments and beliefs… this is a good thing.

    The two units in one house is a problem…sometimes even close by…nothing is more annoying than trying to fish close to another locator and watching all the interferance on a flasher…

    However, since your obviously not going to let me use yours for a month…hook me up with a good guide up there that uses a MarCum and can put me on some fish…(In case anyones wondering…that would be Scott) and let me see the differance.

    What daya say?

    My loyalty is to no one but my wife (sometimes she wonders about that).

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Brian, We will get something arranged. I can’t walk on water so there is no hurry yet. We should have ice by January though

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    THAT’S what I’m talk’en about!

    PS from your reputation…I didn’t think you needed ice?

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 314

    I have an FL 18 and my cousin has the marcum LX3. We fish alot together in the winter. In solo opetation both units are great. The marcum has a slight advantage in display sharpness and a bigger advantage with the adjustable zoom.

    Fished side by side the IR of the marcum has the edge. It takes alot of tuning of the FL18 to get a clear display, and sometimes you can’t quite get if perfect.

    The main reason I still have the vex is that I still prefer the green,orange,red to the marcum yellow, orange, red.

    How do the marcum’s work on the mud flats at ML? My vex is a little touchy on them.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    MarCum continues to make changes to their unit each year. Most are slight changes, not noticable to users unless they get a new unit each year. Every year the display gets a little brighter and crisper and the color separation is greater.

    On the mud flats I believe the units excel. Of course, if you are fishing the steep edges you can have some area that will not display, same with any flasher. I think the target separation really helps pick those fish off the bottom, however, on the mud most of the fish usually ride a little higher and can be detected easily.

    The soft bottom takes some getting used to if you are used to fishing hard bottom or gravel. But, the increased power is a nice benefit for deep water. With that said, I rarely fish the mud in the winter.

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