FYI…I would think twice about a Frabill product. I have a XL Twin not quite a yr. old. A group of us just got back from Devils Lake it was cold -25 with wind chills around 45-50 below.
Both the side windows on my twin split wide open from the top to bottom from the cold. A friend that was along had the same thing happen with his Ranger Solo!
The guys in Clams and Eskimo’s didn’t have any problems with their windows breaking!
I called Frabill this mourning about the windows. I was told that the windows are not covered under warranty. The gal told be they sell replacement windows for 14$ a piece. I wasn’t to pleased with this seeing as though my house is only 11 months old.
On their web site it says and I quote….
Tell the spouse you’re going ice fishing ALL DAY!
Even when it’s below zero!
The folks at Frabill might want to change that to…
Even when it’s right at zero or slightly below!
This will be the last Frabill product that I own.
Anyone else had this sort of a window problem?