Ice castle cables

  • Hotspot
    Lake Nebagamon,WI
    Posts: 31

    I bought a ice castle at the end of season. It was new. I used it once. Man the cables look rusty. Road salt no doubt. What do guys do? Rub oil on them? When I was first looking to buy it seemed like used ones always mentioned that the cables were new or I’m good shape. Must be an issue . I changed boat winch to strap years ago. Don’t see a way to do that with house

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I don’t own one but I’d grease them I think. Like on my boat lift.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I was also shocked at how quick my cable on my Ice Castle cables rusted. I changed them after 2 seasons out of concern
    I then bought a Lodge, and had for 5 years before I sold and all 3 cables never got any rust what so ever.

    You can buy certain stainless steel cables. I wonder if distinct builders (maker of the lodge would tell you what they use) Maybe ask if they’d sell you a set?
    My bothers Ice castle is in the exact same condition, horribly rusty cables.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    You jogged my memory Mike. I put stainless steel cables on the lift when I bought it used ten years ago. I still grease it though, for what that’s worth.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Yep, I also spray them with Lithium grease.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’m assuming your referring to aircraft cable. Most likely galvanized which will rust at the site of salt (deal with it trapping ditches around here). You can get stainless steel cable at a reasonable price through most trapping suppliers

    Lake Nebagamon,WI
    Posts: 31

    Thanks all I will replace this summer.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I bought a ice castle at the end of season. It was new. I used it once. Man the cables look rusty. Road salt no doubt. What do guys do? Rub oil on them? When I was first looking to buy it seemed like used ones always mentioned that the cables were new or I’m good shape. Must be an issue . I changed boat winch to strap years ago. Don’t see a way to do that with house

    Replace them. They are junk. When I had mine I replaced the cables after every season. I also replaced the bearing every season.

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