If you do not have a harness, make one. But again, do not touch that plug that goes into your head unit!
You can go to radioshack or a similar store and purchase these 3 things.
1. A pack of spade connectors
2. A female CCTV plug with pigtails
3. TWO male CCTV pugs with pigtails.
And you’ll need a small section of wire, I’m sure you have some laying around somewhere.
Take two sections of wire, about 6″ long (1 for pos 1 for neg) and put a spade connector on the end of each one. On the other end wire up your female CCTV plug.
Then take the plug that goes into your head unit and cut the spade connectors off the end (again, don’t touch the actual plug that goes into your unit!). Wire in a male CCTV to the end where the spade connectors are. Then take your vex charger and put the other male CCTV plug on the end of that.
Now its as simple as hooking the spade connectors to the battery, and plugging in the charger to charge and the head unit to use. Should take about 10 minutes to wire up and about $10 at the most.