Ice Transportation Ideas

  • Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    For those of you who haven’t put the short rods away for the year or are already thinking about upgrades to your arsenal for next ice season, here a couple cool ideas on how to beat the competition to your favorite spot.

    Option A – Tracked conversion van, as seen on LOTW last week. Get to your spot in style. A must have for any serious ice fisherman living down by the river.

    Option B – Shmitty sled. Took me about an hour to assemble on Saturday evening and saved me more than an hour getting on off of Lake Superior on Sunday. A must if you want to hand pull an Otter Lodge very far on anything but bare ice.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Is that the Van at Cyrus resort?

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Will – Is that the Canadian version of this?

    Posts: 6687

    I’ve got “Smitty sled” built right into my 1-man portable to make it super easy for the long walks early/late and during high snowfall times.
    Pulls with a finger.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Will – Is that the Canadian version of this?

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    I would have loved that sled when I struggled to get out and back on Superior on Friday and Saturday, Will. Want to sell it?

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Is that the Van at Cyrus resort?

    We weren’t at Cyrus Mike, but I’m sure there are lots of the similar ones up there.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    I would have loved that sled when I struggled to get out and back on Superior on Friday and Saturday, Will. Want to sell it?

    Not a chance Al I was able to pull my 3 man Otter out by myself without stopping once, get set up on a spot, and start fishing all in the time it took 2 buddies working together to pull their 2 man Clam… They had to stop and catch their breath at least a half dozen times.

    If you can find a pair old skis at 2nd wind or play it again I can give you blueprints and you’ll have one in an hour.

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Post deleted by ProV Al

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    I’d love to have those blue prints, Will. I showed my fishing buddy your sled and he said he has skis for it. One of the questions he has is (which I’m sure your blue prints will show) is how high off of the skis is the platform? Thanks in advance! We had to stop more a lot, as well.
    Al ([email protected])

    PM sent. As for height I have my sled platform set at 6″.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740

    Will, I sent you a PM.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Will, where’s the beverage holders?

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Will, where’s the beverage holders?

    I’m thinking of something like this for the walk out.

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