How thick before extensions are needed?

  • DrakeRoth22
    Posts: 88

    Here in iowa we got about a foot and a half tops were i fish so never needed one headed up to SD this weekend and dont know if one is needed most reports say is is about 32 inches thick.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    When in doubt, bring it out. Depending on snow melt conditions, you’re probably OK, but you might be drilling among pressure ridges, deeper snow, stacked ice…..there’s all kinds of scenarios where you’re going to want one anyway. If they’re locally and/or easily available, I’d grab one!


    Posts: 88

    Thats what im worried about everything locally put all the ice fishing away for the year. But if we come across one well get it… thanks Joel!

    Posts: 24

    I was just out in South Dakota this last weekend and we did take the extension along. I would say most holes we drilled would require the extension to get through. I would say that 32″ would be WAY on the short end of what most lakes and sloughs have there. If it was me, I wouldnt go there without one or you may be dissappointed!

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Last weekend we used an extension on some Mississippi River backwaters but did not “need” it. I’ll tell you what, it was way more comfortable drilling with it and not having to bend all the way over. The week prior we did not have the extension on and the motor head was touching the shavings and snow trying to punch through. It was very nice to have it and not have to take the auger to ground level.

    I’d say take it you have one or can find one.

    Posts: 94

    We were in So Dak 2 weeks ago & my Strikemaster was just poking through 40″. We had to put the extension on in other areas. My buddies Jiffy had to have the extension on at all times.

    Lake Nebagamon,WI
    Posts: 31

    I was just at lake of woods. The ice was thick, high 30’s”. Some guys had 2 extensions on. It looked goofy. I just made it with one. If you cut in your house you’d probably need 2.

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