I think we’re done!

  • BBKK
    Posts: 4033

    Been a long ice season for us down here, but I think we are done. Went from 24″ of solid ice sunday, to not able to fish anymore overnight. Melted 10-15′ away from the shore and ruined the top 6″ of ice in one day. High of 50 again today with rain, then one night of cool and back into the 50’s again with lows above freezing. We’re done on almost all of the lakes, ponds, and backwaters, with 24″ of ice still.

    And to top it off, fished open water yest and caught 1 buffalo.

    I do have one spot that will be good still, shaded all day long and no runoff anywhere close to it. But its a LOOOONG walk and I really don’t feel the need to hike it. Was a fun year. Anyone need a fresh gallon of auger gas?

    Seriously guys, don’t let that ice fool ya. It comes slow and goes quick. Just glad I was off the ice Sunday before it went.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    I guess I must be ready for it to be done. My ice fishing gear is in the truck topper but I spent Sunday afternoon getting one of my boats ready. Went down to the ramp but the city (or someone) has pushed up snow on the ramp.
    The river is open but the piles of snow on the ramp will take a few more days to melt.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    All my years of ice fishing I can’t remember ice melting that fast in just a few days of warm. I’m sure there is a few more places to go but you would sure have to be careful!

    Posts: 357

    We still have 30 plus inches. But I believe a lot of it is snow ice. I see the shor lines going quick when we get some warm weather. I’m ready for the boat so let it go.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    30’s to 60’s WOOHOO lets get the boat out. This winter has been too long and a nice spring being in the boat would be awesome.

    Posts: 6687

    Was about 8″ of slush/water on the ice yesterday, but still 30″+ here. Caught 70 gills and 12 crappies in 1h40m yesterday. Fishing has been on fire the last few weeks.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I figure most of the snow pack in my yard has dropped about 12 inches. Still at least 24-30 inches to go.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Break out the chest waders to get on the best ice of the season. I would like to see the overnights get below freezing but it beats the he ll out of polar vor…..I’m not even saying that phrase anymore

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Hey Kevin – Thanks for keeping us up to date on conditions in your neck of the woods. Amazing how some years late ice is a month long, and others, you have a hard time getting out.

    Let it be a great reminder that even though we’ve had one of the tougher winters on record, it shouldn’t be an excuse to call ice conditions “good enough” without checking. Most of the close-calls and scary ice situations I’ve ever had involve late ice. Good luck to all, like people are saying, fish are snapping!


    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    I fished Sunday afternoon in the WARM weather and still had over 26″ of ice in Northern Iowa. snow was still deep. Yesterday all the snow was gone of the pond, but there still lots of ice so I think I have some time. I only have to worry about the edges and getting the house off.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    We were down in SW Iowa this weekend and the ice was great, about 20 inches. Nice weather too. They had 70 degrees down there yesterday so I’m sure it won’t last long but guys were driving out still on Sunday morning. Fishing was pretty good too

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