This weekend I caught a perch that I am pretty sure I want to have mounted, it is not HUGE like some of the perch we have seen posted on here this year by a few members but it is still really nice and the nicest perch I have caught in my 20 years of perch fishing at 13.5″ and 1lbs 14oz.
That being said I am trying to come up with a mount idea that I can talk with my taxidermist about. I have never been a fan of just a single fish mounted on a piece of drift wood, to me that is just boring (no offense to those that have mounts like that or like mounts like that, it just isn’t my style). I am more of a fan of “action” style mounts.
For those of you that have fish mounts whether it be perch, crappies, gills in an action type mount would you mind posting a picture of the mount? I want to get a few different ideas, see a few different things. I have an idea running through my head but I would like to see other options as well and then go in and talk with my taxidermist and get a plan put together.