12′ Mr. Heater Hose Question

  • dandorn
    Posts: 3239

    I bought this hose new a few years ago. It’s stamped 2003 on the hose but I don’t think I’ve had it that long.
    The one and only time I used it it ignited my brother’s cooker style heater in a ball of flames.
    I rolled it up and it’s been in the package since.

    I want to use it with a big buddy, with filter, on a 20# tank this week.

    Do you think I should use the hose or replace it?


    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    For a few bucks I think I would buy new!!

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Those hoses have to be really tight, the problem is they are stiff and alway kept coiled. Once you put them on the heater the menory in them wants to keep that coil and they can loosen the connection if not really tight.

    I had it happen on my buddy heater and man it made a nasty ball of flame. Tightened it up good and it was fine.

    I would test it outside in an open area.

    Posts: 3239

    Just got in from testing it in the garage. It took a while to get the buddy lit but once it was it seemed to stay that
    way. Ran it for 5 mins and shut it off at the tank.

    Is it normal with a 12′ hose for it to take a while to light?

    Propane tank came off the grill in the garage so it was cold
    but not outside cold.


    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    You have to remember that the buddy series has a thermocouple heat element. You have to let the entire length of that hose purge by only using that small orafice. It takes a long time… If you need it light fast maybe leave the system hooked up and dont drain the line.

    You could also shorten the line to a 6′ or so by cutting and splicing with a brass fitting.

    Or my method, cut the ends out of the cruddy hard hose and buy some automotive vacuum line and hose clamps, it stays flexible at low temps and you can make the length you want.

    Posts: 187

    Just need to prime it good via the pilot light. Hold it down longer the first time.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    I have a 12’er that I’m about ready to pitch. I’ve used it with a filter on my regular Buddy and can’t get the pilot to light off my 5# cylinder and can only barely get it to light on my 20#er with a BBQ lighter…and then when I shut it off, I can’t get it to relight with just the pilot. I wonder if it has something to do with the length of the hose in colder weather. They do make a 5’er but I’m not experimenting and spending another $20.00 for something I just won’t use that much. I’ll just stick with using the Buddy on 1#ers if and when I decide not to take my sunflower on the 5# tank.

    Posts: 17

    I have the 12 foot hose on my big buddy. I put a shut off valve in the hose 6 inches from the tank. I leave the hose filled with gas and the buddy starts right away.

    Max Wolfe
    Devils Lake, ND & Scio, Oregon
    Posts: 11

    Regardless of using new or used equipment, my STRONG suggestion is to TEST all the connections before igniting. By using a mild solution of dish soap detergent and spray bottle, it’s easy to detect any tiny leaks in pressurized systems and avoid what might turn into a deadly situation. Spray a coating mist anywhere there is a connection, and be sure to also wet the valve(s) in both the open and closed position. If you notice any even tiny bubbles, check those connections and tighten if leaks are detected. You can use the same solution and a cloth to check hoses as well. Those connections can get beat as tanks and heaters are bounced around in the backs of trucks or behind your favorite form of ice travel, so don’t take chance! Ice fishing is meant to be fun, not another reason to test emergency room abilities!

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    You have to remember that the buddy series has a thermocouple heat element. You have to let the entire length of that hose purge by only using that small orafice. It takes a long time… If you need it light fast maybe leave the system hooked up and dont drain the line.

    You could also shorten the line to a 6′ or so by cutting and splicing with a brass fitting.
    Or my method, cut the ends out of the cruddy hard hose and buy some automotive vacuum line and hose clamps, it stays flexible at low temps and you can make the length you want.

    I like the idea of replacing the hose with a more flexible line, do you use a filter with that setup?

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Nutz – Mr. heater offers a 10′ black hose that remains super flexible in the cold. They suggest it can be used with the heaters without a filter too. I had the product # written down someplace, still looking..

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