Do perch take plastics as readily as crappie or bluegill? Been watching youtube and seems to be little on perch and plastics but a fair amount of film on crappie and bluegill.
Not sure about winter ice fishing, but in the late summer and fall, I have had real good success by putting 1/2″ section of worm together with plastic gold curly tail grub. The plastic grub keeps the bait on the hook and increases the size of the bait so that one catches only 8″ and larger perch. No more little perch robbing the bait from your hook…
Perch have always been a spoon ordeal for me. They will take plastics like a micro tail on a horizontal jig, but a spoon tipped with a perch eye (if legal where you are) has been best because of its efficiency.
Once on the ice some guys near me were getting perch on Rosy red minnows. I switched to a CJ&S Red Ratso and did pretty good on perch too. Also got a few nice gills which they were not getting.
I have had really good luck with perch and plastics. I actually got into fishing micro plastics years back for perch on spoons. Even now when targeting perch most of the time I have plastic on but sometimes I will also tip the jig or spoon with larva if the bite calls for it.
We catch perch on our B-Y Baits plastics all throughout the winter. They love the fluorescent orange color late in the year, but we’ve caught them all throughout the season on various styles of our plastics.