Sometimes it is tough being a Grandpa

  • Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    This morning I got my truck and trailer loaded to take my 3 1/2 year old grandson ice fishing. We pulled into the unplowed parking lot about noon and he sat in my truck while I plowed a path out to where we were going to fish and drilled five holes. Then I went back to the truck to get him and the otter cabin. Once I got it almost set up he was getting cold and stepped in to get out of the wind but with that one step his foot slipped into one of the holes. He went down to his bottom, needless to say this was an abrupt end to our outing or the beginning to the end. First I put him on the bench seat emptied his shoe and wrung out his socks, then rushed him to my truck turned the heat on high with both of the vents blowing towards his groin area. He gets sick so easy and I was very concerned but he showed me how tough he can be today. Once I got everything back on the trailer and headed for home I guess he was so comfortable he passed out.

    He is running around the house like nothing happened and is ready to go back out. I am not taking him out with me until I can get some help to join us…

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    You are a Great Grampa !!!

    I love hearing the great times and the times of tried patients…

    Keep up the great work !!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    That brings back some great memories of my daughters are little kids

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    That’s great that he wants to go back out! I hope you both have better luck next time.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    Your grandson will remember the outing. Plus, you can give him some crap about it when he gets older.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Your grandson will remember the outing. Plus, you can give him some crap about it when he gets older.

    My thoughts exactly!

    It’s better to have fished and lost, then to have never fished at all. ~BK 2014

    Posts: 54

    That same thing happened to my son, now I have a 6″ bit for when I take the kids, added one more son My boy still talks about it.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    You are a Great Grampa !!!

    Yes I have to believe that but am having a hard time convincing my wife.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Good job,

    Yes, you’ll both remember this and he’ll remember Grandpa took good care of me.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    That’s funny. The same thing happened to me with one of my little guys. He thought packing a hole full of snow and slush would hold him up and when he tested it out he dropped all the way down. At least we got a couple hours in before that and I was able to pull him out with boot still attached to his foot. At least after his wet ride home and embarrassment was over he wanted to go again.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    Happened to my son this year except we where on the quad mile and a half from the truck and brutally cold. He went and sat on the quad until I finished packing. Never complained. Next time out he was very cautious about where the holes where and had the best walleye fishing of our lives.

    Don’t doubt yourself Grandpa, he’s not the first kid to step in a hole and not going to be the last.

    You can take extra help with but that will cut into one on one time and memories.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    That same thing happened with my sons over 20 years ago. Stripped down to there shorts and cranked heat up in shack and put them in my coveralls and they fished in 90 degree permie. They still talk about it. The good news is I just found out last Wednesday that I am going to be a GRANDPA. Can’t wait to start the new memories with the new member of the familty.

    Posts: 543

    Same thing happened last year with my 3 year old son. Needless to say this year he stayed on the sled the whole time until it was go time. He still remembered falling in. I also learned to do a little scouting ahead of time and when it was his turn to go we went to the spot set the tent up and then drilled the holes. The fish did not cooperate too well but we had fun and stayed dry. Wet or not the trips are less than an hour although wet it was only as long as the drag out, holes drilled, fell in, and the race back to the vehicle. I know your feeling.

    Posts: 85

    The same thing happened to my daughter (was 4 years old) last year on her first ice fishing trip. Luckily I had extra jeans, long johns and boots for her in the truck in case of such emergency. We got her changed and her snow pants dried out and ended up catching a limit of crappie that day. She’s 5 now and thinks she needs her own flasher I let her use mine when she goes and she can out fish me half the time. Nothing could make me prouder as a parent than seeing my children have a passion for the outdoors.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844


    Nothing could make me prouder as a parent than seeing my children have a passion for the outdoors.

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