Starting at the red dot drill enough holes in each direction to reach about halfway up the break leaving you with a cross shaped pattern… Check each hole with your electronics (swinging your transducer to see out to the sides) and hopefully you’ll figure what depth they’re relating to. For us last weekend they were not in the deepest water but suspended 8-12′ down over 14-16′ around the edges of the basin.
Once you find fish try using a little bit larger bait to discourage the little ones and only target larger fish… My new big fish bait is the Trigger X nymph and I know Joel loves the mustache worm almost to the point where we’re thinking of signing him up for that strange addiction show on TLC
Good Luck!
I think that is more or less my plan for tomorrow. I’m going to start at the north end of that 22′ basin and drill right down the channel. If I see nothing I’ll return to the center and start going to each side until I hit roughly 10′ of water on both sides. That should cover the entire basin. If they are not there I’m heading to the sharp break on the main lake point and if there is nothing of size there I’m heading for the couch and TV.
Hopefully I don’t step on a spring in the process as the deep hole was dug as a borrow pit and has springs bubbling up. Picks will be worn tomorrow. Crazy, was on 16″ of ice yesterday and I’ll have picks on tomorrow. 
Search bait will be a CJ&S demon spoon, then I’ll work on them with a gulp or trigger-x minnow to try and get some bigger fish. Darters and other plastics will be along for the ride as well!