Ice Fishing in a Snowstorm

  • Mitch Bradshaw
    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 297

    The winter in Colorado over the last few weeks has reminded me a bit of Minnesota. We were in the midst of a 4 day snowstorm, but my buddy Beau and I still wanted to hit the ice. We decided on hiking in a few miles to a lake that is known to have a few different species of trout. We wound up getting into a lot of Trout over the day but towards the end of the day we really had to work for the bites. We wound up with 3 species on the day: Cutthroat, Brook, and the very rare Golden trout.

    Here is a video of some of our action that day: Snowstorm Trout Video

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Great video! Thanks for sharing!

    Oh how I long for the days I can sit outside and fish with out gloves on

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Your making me “home-sick” for being back out there. Since the end of November, I’ve been struggling with being back in WI. There are so many beautiful gems in those mountains

    Posts: 80

    Looks like a lot if fun up there in the mountains!

    Mitch Bradshaw
    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 297


    Your making me “home-sick” for being back out there. Since the end of November, I’ve been struggling with being back in WI. There are so many beautiful gems in those mountains

    There really are! So many high mountain and alpine lakes out here. I started hiking in and fishing a handful last summer and can’t wait to do the same this summer. I just don’t know where to start! That’s half the fun though.

    Historic Mantorville
    Posts: 119

    Beautiful fish! Those cold water trout are absolutely beautiful. I really like the pics within the video, nice work. One question for you: why do you think the tails were all battered up on the first couple fish in the video?

    Mitch Bradshaw
    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 297


    One question for you: why do you think the tails were all battered up on the first couple fish in the video?

    I wondered the same thing actually Deano. All 3 Golden’s I’ve caught from there (2 trips) have had beat up tail fines. I found out that these fish were given to CO as eggs from California, raised in a hatchery until they were 6-7 inches long, and then released in a few lakes. So I think that has a lot to do with it. Other factors could be one predatory species of trout in there as well (Tiger) and the fact that there is a lot of competition for food in the reservoir.

    Mitch Bradshaw
    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 297


    Oh how I long for the days I can sit outside and fish with out gloves on

    Yeah they got cold pretty quick, it’s actually been cold out here this week some days not getting into the positive degrees. This weekend looks nice though!

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