I ran into this same dilemma in the past couple years as my plastics inventory grew. For me personally I found the plastics to keep longer, stay fresher if they stayed in their original packaging. I have a large soft sided Cabelas tackle storage box with 3700 boxes in them. With all the dividers inside of each box, its hard to lay all the plastics bags in there. So, I went to Lowe’s and bought a Dremel (my excuse to finally buy one). Cut out the dividers so its one big open box. Laid the plastics bags in there and it works great and has a place to be stored inside the larger tackle box.
I found previously with other zip lock bags, etc, I didn’t have anywhere to put them besides blowing all over the boat, or getting wedged down in storage compartments. Some of my Moxi paddle tails ended up at the bottom and got mis-shapened and didn’t swim right any more.
Now, I actually have two boxes now for plastics labeled “grubs” and “creatures.” Workin’ for me anyway…