I know there’s a lot of post on here about it but I’m still torn like some input
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Lx7 or flx 28 I’m torn
gandercommanderPosts: 19February 1, 2014 at 5:55 pm #1385063
Vexliar runs all on the same channel so to speak so u fish right next to a buddy you won’t read or mark fish only marcum you can do that marcums the only way to go from target separation zoom the LCS screen to get baitfish mode flasher and anywhere in between
February 1, 2014 at 6:23 pm #1385071LX7 would be my vote. Have you used both? I would go check them out in person.
skiman39Posts: 20February 1, 2014 at 6:35 pm #1385074Lx7 by a mile, Flx 28 is nothing innovative, it isn’t even a digital unit. The Lx7 you can change the display so many more ways. There are many posts on these two do a search and I’m sure you’ll find lots of info. I am sure you will like whichever you choose.
February 1, 2014 at 7:29 pm #1385083I have said it many times I will never bash a vex. If your looking just to see if the fish are willing to come up and look at your bait any of the motorized flashers will work (some better than others). If your looking for a unit you can fine tune to your needs the LX7 is the way to go. I have a friend that decided to go with the 28 and I feel he didn’t get his money worth. If you don’t like taking the time to fine tune the unit save your money and get a fl22 or LX5. But if you want to be able to pick up bottom 4″ perch sneaking in tight to the bottom Lx7 is awsome.
February 1, 2014 at 7:52 pm #1385085Quote:
Vexliar runs all on the same channel so to speak so u fish right next to a buddy you won’t read or mark fish only marcum you can do that marcums the only way to go from target separation zoom the LCS screen to get baitfish mode flasher and anywhere in between
You have absolutely zero idea what your talking about.To the OP, go buy what makes you happy. I run an FLX28 and am very happy with the product. I’ve run Marcums in the past and they catch fish too.
EgtsPosts: 94February 1, 2014 at 9:15 pm #1385100Either unit is great. However neither one is truly revolutionary or do anything that was not already done with other sonar. The question is do like to press buttons or turn knobs? I found turning knobs on the ice when it is cold is easier for me so I went with the FLX-28. I am more impressed each time I use it. It is nicer than the FL-22 I had. I really like the #4 color palette. Pick your poison & have fun.
February 1, 2014 at 10:37 pm #1385104I was in your shoes back in October, in fact I originally joined this site just to make this post. http://www.idofishing.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=ice&Number=1284253&fpart=&PHPSESSID=
The big question for you should be what do you want your sonar to do for you? The mechanical flashers are limited, you have a gain, a range, maybe a zoom.. and an interference rejection. With an LX 7 you have crisp and clear target lines with a separation so crisp you can see your wax-worm/minnow head, spoon, and swivel as 3 separate lines if you set your sensitivity right, so you can tell if the bait ever falls off the hook without having to bring your line back up (has helped me get a reaction strike several times after missing a hit, and has also saved me from working the fish to no avail for 5 minutes because the bait was stripped) You can also change the size of the targets without effecting the gain, so if you do set your lines up like I mentioned but you’re fishing deeper and the size of your target gets smaller, you can increase its size without having to change the gain. You can change the color modes between several different palettes, including 6 color mode for added sensitivity on smaller targets. You can use the circle display with a combination of a zoom bar (set anywhere in the water column, with several different ranges from 5,10,20,or 40 ft) and/or a vertical column bar, and/or open water graph, and/or open water graph zoom. You can also use it effectively during the open water season, as I will for all of my canoe trips from now on. You can also adjust the Ping rate, most people don’t play with this one, but in situations that render my vexilar useless when plankton and bug hatches interfere I’ve found combinations of sensitivity, color mode, target size, and ping rate that allow me to remove the interference that had normally caused me to turn my sonar off. And when bright new features are thought of, tested, and put into the product; you get to download these features from your computer at home. You don’t have to buy a brand new unit every time 3 new features are thought up. I have a few more reasons why I would choose the LX 6/7/9 over another product, but really it comes down to what you want your sonar to do for you.gandercommanderPosts: 19February 2, 2014 at 8:16 am #1385147Dude go fish by a buddy with another vexliar and see you won’t pick up any fish and go test with two marcums I know a few prostaffers for marcum that they fish tournaments and have to be in a close area vexliars can’t even compete with a marcum
February 2, 2014 at 8:25 am #1385149Quote:
Dude go fish by a buddy with another vexliar and see you won’t pick up any fish and go test with two marcums I know a few prostaffers for marcum that they fish tournaments and have to be in a close area vexliars can’t even compete with a marcum
Travis is right. You are full of it. I fish side by side all the time with vex units. Sometimes you need to adjust the interference rejecter, but this is true with marcum as well. As for not seeing the fish, you could not be more wrong.
February 2, 2014 at 9:12 am #1385158Quote:
Dude go fish by a buddy with another vexliar and see you won’t pick up any fish and go test with two marcums I know a few prostaffers for marcum that they fish tournaments and have to be in a close area vexliars can’t even compete with a marcum
He does fish right next to me with my Vex. If you had a clue what you were talking about you would know that any unit needs to cancel out interference from like units. I guess Trav and I never catch fish though according to you…
February 2, 2014 at 9:29 am #1385162Ive had both vexilars and marcums. I started out with an fl8 years ago and then upgraded to a Marcum lx-5 had that for a few years and then thought I was upgrading to a vex fl22. I was so disappointed in the fl22 it was nothing compared to the lx5 and cost me a lot more money. I had the fl 22 for 2 years and hated it so this year I got a Marcum lx7 and couldn’t be happier I can see so much more detail on the Marcum units than I can on the vex units. I haven’t used a vex fl28 but if its not any clearer than the 20 or 22 I know I wouldn’t like it. Even the fl22 I had wich was supposed to be there top of the line flasher at the time was blurry on the edges of any mark where as the Marcum has a crisp edge to the marks. I also am exited about the fact that I can use the LX7 as a 2nd graph for my boat in open water.
ekruger01Posts: 609February 2, 2014 at 9:38 am #1385168To the OP, go buy what makes you happy. I run an FLX28 and am very happy with the product. I’ve run Marcums in the past and they catch fish too.
X2, try to get some time on the ice with them if you can,see what fits you better.
February 2, 2014 at 9:40 am #1385169you may want to hold off on the lx7 for open water.this was from another post.. And the reason you think I’d make this up? I don’t have every day of my life off so when I can fish I usually do. Water happens back trolling into waves, sitting in rain, etc. I was a tad upset when I found it filling with water. Sent it in and the hand written note indicated the shield should remain on. Strikes me as an EXTREMELY weak design but it is what it is. I love the LX-7 for hard water fishing but prefer my HDS & Birds any way for open water. It was a fun time trying but draining water out of a $600 unit was less that thrilling. I regret not scanning that hand written note so I could share but then again would it change anything? well this could be a real game changer if marcum wrote you back saying to leave the shield on when exposed to water to eliminate the possible chance of water getting into the unit. that kind of info would really change a persons mind on purchasing a marcum for their boat or even ice fishing if it can’t be subject to H20.
josh aPosts: 588February 2, 2014 at 9:51 am #1385172I think you should get whatever unit you are most comfortable with. The LX-7 for sure has more bells and whistles but look at threads on every fishing forum, Marcum gets far more complaints about stuff not working than vexilar. I’m personally 0-2 on my Marcum products working correctly out of the box. Having said that, I don’t think either unit is going to help you catch more fish than the other. I’m sure Jason Mitchell ad his vex catch just as many fish as James Holst and his lx-7
EkezPosts: 80February 2, 2014 at 10:39 am #1385195An LX-7 has the capability to never be old and or outdated. Can you say that about an FLX-28??
josh aPosts: 588February 2, 2014 at 11:18 am #1385201its true that the flx-28 will never be able to be updated. but it will always show the bottom, your jig, and fish. The zoom feature will never go away and it will always help a guy catch just as many fish as the lx-7. Have the updates on the lx-7 really boosted the performance or are they usually just to fix glitches?
February 2, 2014 at 11:34 am #1385210Quote:
its true that the flx-28 will never be able to be updated. but it will always show the bottom, your jig, and fish. The zoom feature will never go away and it will always help a guy catch just as many fish as the lx-7.
A fl-20 will show the bottom, your jig, and fish.. and will always have a zoom.
If I had to choose one unit right now.. it would be the lx-7. Reasons being, update-able, usable in graph on open water, more features and options (including multiple items on one screen). Has nothing to do with me owning a marcum, I would switch in a heartbeat if I thought there was a better unit out there. The number one selling point is the multiple screens, would be able to zoom in on an area where suspended crappies are, but still be able to see full picture of the whole water column without it being shrunk in half like traditional flashers do.
February 2, 2014 at 12:11 pm #1385222Quote:
Have the updates on the lx-7 really boosted the performance or are they usually just to fix glitches?
There’s far more to these upgrades than fixes. Here’s what was added to the LX9. I don’t fish the 7 much but save the addition of the camera it is the same unit.
Here’s the highlights…
Manual dynamic depth. This is the one I’ve been waiting for! I don’t run my summer units in auto-range and I never liked doing it in the winter. Manual dynamic gives the user the ability to set a depth scale from 10 – 300 feet. No wasted display. Max resolution. Totally customizable and rock solid.
Faster scrolling in graph mode.
Pre-Record. The new pre-record function is the coolest thing to happen to U/W cameras in a long time. The user sets the pre-record duration and the camera is always buffering the video for that length of time. I set mine to 1 minute. That means I have 1 minute to press the record button meaning I will never miss any underwater action and I’m only saving the footage I want versus letting the camera run non-stop.
One touch recording. Hit the down arrow to start recording. Hit it again to stop recording.
Thumbnail gallery of all video clips.
The digital series will keep getting better and better and better.
February 2, 2014 at 12:12 pm #1385225Quote:
Have the updates on the lx-7 really boosted the performance or are they usually just to fix glitches?
Both..but I would say that 80% would be performance related…
EgtsPosts: 94February 2, 2014 at 1:41 pm #1385239Quote:
An LX-7 has the capability to never be old and or outdated. Can you say that about an FLX-28??
Never is a long time. The LX-6/7/9 WILL be outdated in the future. A person would be foolish to think the LX-6/7/9 are the last units that they will put out. Marcum will come out with newer & better units, if not they’ll cease to exist, there’s no money in pushing out free upgrades.
February 2, 2014 at 3:11 pm #1385258Quote:
An LX-7 has the capability to never be old and or outdated. Can you say that about an FLX-28??
Never is a long time. The LX-6/7/9 WILL be outdated in the future. A person would be foolish to think the LX-6/7/9 are the last units that they will put out. Marcum will come out with newer & better units, if not they’ll cease to exist, there’s no money in pushing out free upgrades.
No, they’ll have to change their name to Marxilar
(just a joke, nobody get uptight)
February 2, 2014 at 3:29 pm #1385260Quote:
Never is a long time. The LX-6/7/9 WILL be outdated in the future. A person would be foolish to think the LX-6/7/9 are the last units that they will put out. Marcum will come out with newer & better units, if not they’ll cease to exist, there’s no money in pushing out free upgrades.
100% correct. MarCum will definitely come out with new platforms in the future that will continue to push the ice electronics industry forward. Anglers can expect the LX6, LX7 and LX9 platforms will be around for a long time and MarCum will continue to engineer new features into the upgrades available for each unit. Will MarCum support the digital units forever? I honestly don’t think anyone expects that. But there will definitely be support and new upgrades for the foreseeable future. And there’s some good things coming.
DAN JPosts: 127February 3, 2014 at 5:10 am #1385336Same thing happened with Lowrance HDS. They said it would always be upgradeable. It only took 2 years and they came out with the HDS 2 and after that only a few software fixes. MarCums are good, so are Vex and Birds , don’t kid yourself nothing last forever.
February 3, 2014 at 10:53 am #1385478Quote:
Same thing happened with Lowrance HDS. They said it would always be upgradeable. It only took 2 years and they came out with the HDS 2 and after that only a few software fixes. MarCums are good, so are Vex and Birds , don’t kid yourself nothing last forever.
x2 my humminbird side imager is upgradable, but it is already too slow to run the newest mapping software….yes the software can be updated but will always be limited by hardware.
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