Flasher Recommendations

  • josh-larson
    The cities
    Posts: 39

    Still a slight novice on the hard water… But like to think I have some skill in open water fishing!

    I’m thinking of grabbing a new flasher… I don’t need anything too fancy and the marcum vx1 pro seems like a decent unit for the price and the added bottom lock feature…

    They go for $299 pretty much everywhere I have found.

    However, I found a spot that has the lx5 for only $399.

    Is it worth the $100 to have the better unit? Or should I save my money still and go with the marcum vx1?

    I looked at some vex units but I didn’t find any that are as cheap with the bottom lock/zoom feature.

    Thanks guys! Hope everyone can get out this weekend and enjoy the “nice” weather before the bottom falls out Monday.

    Posts: 177


    Still a slight novice on the hard water… But like to think I have some skill in open water fishing!

    I’m thinking of grabbing a new flasher… I don’t need anything too fancy and the marcum vx1 pro seems like a decent unit for the price and the added bottom lock feature…

    They go for $299 pretty much everywhere I have found.

    However, I found a spot that has the lx5 for only $399.

    Is it worth the $100 to have the better unit? Or should I save my money still and go with the marcum vx1?

    I looked at some vex units but I didn’t find any that are as cheap with the bottom lock/zoom feature.

    Thanks guys! Hope everyone can get out this weekend and enjoy the “nice” weather before the bottom falls out Monday.

    This should get good!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    For a $100.00 difference, I would opt for the LX-5. I have had both.


    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    If you can get into a new LX5 for that price. Run…don’t walk…to get it.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    get the LX5. you won’t regret it.

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    I will say both units are great units, for the money you cant beat the VX1 but that said the LX5 has some great features that arent on the VX1. The biggest thing for me is the movable zoom. It is really nice at times to be able to move the area you are zooming anywhere in the water column especially if you are targeting suspended fish. The dual beam transducer comes in really handy at times, a lot of guys only use the 8 degree cone in deep water which works great but I have found it extremely handy when fishing in standing weeds or over cribs. I do that strictly to clean up the graph and not read weeds or brush that is not straight down from my hole. The LX5 also gives you 3/4 inch target seperation which is nice in tight schools of fish. If it were me and I could swing it I would go to the LX5 but if you don’t see yourself taking advantange of some of the added features of the LX5 than the VX1 is all you need. Hope that helps a little, good luck on your decision.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    I have a 5 and a 6. I would spend the extra $100 especially for deeper fishing.

    Posts: 1040

    Yeah. I’ve got the VX 1 and it’s a great unit. But have fished with those with the LX 5 etc, and if it’s only a $100 more that seems like a steal and worth the extra hundred bucks. Good luck.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Im a fan of the Vex, but for only an extra $100 that seems like a great deal. ps its easy to spend someone elses money…

    The cities
    Posts: 39

    Thanks everyone!!

    What about the marcum lx6? I found one for $499 as well…

    Worth another $100? I only have a Mac so updating the software might be a pain..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    Man if you can swing the extra hondo for the LX5 do it…. and if you find some spare change in the couch cushions and come up with another hondo… I’d get this ONE

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Thanks everyone!!

    What about the marcum lx6? I found one for $499 as well…

    Worth another $100? I only have a Mac so updating the software might be a pain..

    You live in the Twin Cities, couldn’t you bring the unit in for an update?

    The cities
    Posts: 39

    Is the LX6 worth the additional $100 over the LX5??

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Worth another $100? I only have a Mac so updating the software might be a pain..

    That is the single biggest reason I don’t run a Marcum digital sonar, but I live 3 hours from Marcum.


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Thanks everyone!!

    What about the marcum lx6? I found one for $499 as well…

    Worth another $100? I only have a Mac so updating the software might be a pain..

    Haha! It’s gone up $200 since the beginning-just get the LX9!

    The cities
    Posts: 39

    Haha that’s TOO much… But it would be nice right?

    Think I’m gonna just snag the lx5 and call it a day. Thanks everyone!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Worth another $100? I only have a Mac so updating the software might be a pain..

    That is the single biggest reason I don’t run a Marcum digital sonar, but I live 3 hours from Marcum.


    FWIW – The LX6 and LX7 require a PC. You can update an LX9 from a PC OR Mac using the SD card method.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    for me yes. I always want the best (that I can afford anyways)

    The cities
    Posts: 39

    Thanks for the info James!

    Getting a new lx5 for $399 with a $50 mail-in rebate (offer expires 1/25/14 for Marcums over $350) from Gander. Got them to price match from Capras and Reeds who have the units going for $399 currently!

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