If you got any cool fishing photos or stories lets her them??
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Pictures and stories?
January 21, 2014 at 8:02 pm #1381625
When i was about 10 years old i had just gotten a new crankbait and wanted to test it off of my grandpas dock. So im testing it out on the first cast i hook into a good sized musky using 8lb test line and no leader and no landing net. I get the fish up to me and he breaks off. So my grandpa and i go get another crankbait i think it was a tail dancer by rapala. I go back down to the dock with the same setup exept i brought a net, first cast i hook into another decent fish and it turns out to be a musky again and this one i made sure to land. Get the fish on shore and to my disbelief it was the same fish!!! Still had the other tail dancer in its upper lip. Measured the fish was 42″.
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348January 21, 2014 at 8:16 pm #1381629Back when I was about 8yrs old or so the family was up at the Gunflint lodge, and me being first one up in the morning made my way down to the dock. Being the expert dock fisherman back then, I always ceeeped out like a ninja the whole way, look over the side, underneath for any creature I could. That morning there was this HUGE fish under the dock! Can’t tell you what it was to this day, not a northern, can’t remember the silhouette now but I figured a lake trout or a walleye. Not knowing what it was, just it was big, I crept back off the dock, sprinted to the cabin, grabbed my pole and was threading on a night crawler back on my way down. Plopped that sucker back into its lair and it just sucked that baby in whole, fish on! This being only a couple feet of water thing slashed about for 5 seconds and came off never to be seen again. Of course no one believed me in the family and that fish has haunted me to this day. One of my earliest fishing memories.
January 21, 2014 at 8:38 pm #1381640Summer 2008, put in 8 full days sun up to sun down in search of my first intentional muskie on mille lacs, crane lake area, minnetonka, and struck out. Rented a pontoon on french lake, no depth finder, tiny motor, pregnant wife, another kid with a barbie tent in the corner. Paper lake map, and a h20 gps, picked a spot, 8th cast with cowgirl, 42 incher, wife netted, 2 year old thought it was a cool shark. Swam the rest of the day. Best day ever.
January 21, 2014 at 8:39 pm #1381641It has to be at least 20 yrs ago now, but I was fishing with my MN Brother in the backwaters of P-4 below Wabasha. Pleasant day of casting for bass and occasional northern.
I’d just made a cast that was met with a helluva swirl & splash, and I was bit off, not using a leaderand I immediately told my buddy to cast in there. He hit the spot perfectly and the cast was met again with a splash and a swirl. I was the extreme net man and scooped up the northern. Nothing huge, about a 32 incher, but there in it’s mouth was my spinner bait
We continued fishing all day, but tied on some steel leaders first. The northerns went on a rampage and the bass had totally shut down….
January 21, 2014 at 9:06 pm #1381654I was bluegill fishing a small lake 10+ years ago and the bite was insane. I had the boat anchored just off a sharp weed line and it was all I could do to keep up with two poles. After fishing a bit I had a buddy pull up behind me to see how the action was. I told him that I was crushing them and that they should pull 150′ up the same weed line and get fishing. I no longer said that and I turned to see not 1, but 2 bobbers begin to slowly disappear under the water. I reached for the closest one and set the hook only to realize it had dropped the bait.
However, that is when IT happened.
Instead of merely setting my rod back down and reaching for the other, I decided it was a good idea to drop it in the water. Not just drop, toss is more appropriate. I grabbed the other pole and set the hook before I realized what had just happened. I looked over the edge to see the cork handle of my favorite pole heading for the depths of the lake.
So without hesitation, I dove headfirst into the water and was able to snatch it back. It was on the return trip to the surface that I realized my wallet, my keys and my cell phone had been in my pocket at some point earlier that day. I surfaced and scrambled to get back into my boat. I quickly noted that I was still in possession of my keys and wallet.
And then I realized that my buddies were still right next to my boat. I thought both of them were going to explode they were laughing so hard. After some serious grief-giving, the one asked so matter of fact “Why didn’t you just pull anchor, go grab your bobber, and pull your pole back in that way?”. While that hadn’t dawned on me in the heat of the moment, I simply stated “A hot bite like this is worth a cell phone any day!”
Come to find out, my cell phone was where it was supposed to be. In my tackle box. Needless to say, it was an interesting experience and now that I am in my 30s, it is one I hope to never repeat!
January 22, 2014 at 6:41 am #1381687Quote:
Back when I was about 8yrs old or so the family was up at the Gunflint lodge, and me being first one up in the morning made my way down to the dock. Being the expert dock fisherman back then, I always ceeeped out like a ninja the whole way, look over the side, underneath for any creature I could. That morning there was this HUGE fish under the dock! Can’t tell you what it was to this day, not a northern, can’t remember the silhouette now but I figured a lake trout or a walleye. Not knowing what it was, just it was big, I crept back off the dock, sprinted to the cabin, grabbed my pole and was threading on a night crawler back on my way down. Plopped that sucker back into its lair and it just sucked that baby in whole, fish on! This being only a couple feet of water thing slashed about for 5 seconds and came off never to be seen again. Of course no one believed me in the family and that fish has haunted me to this day. One of my earliest fishing memories.
I was at Gunflint a few years back fishing off the dock for smallmouths with a bobber and worms. I started reeling in and I see a silhouette follwoing the worm. As it get’s closer I see that it is at least a good sized northern. It takes my line and breaks me off. MY mother in law was there to witness it. We got it to follow other baits but no takers. I went back down after lunch and on the first cast with a spinner bait I caught it.
January 22, 2014 at 7:41 am #1381699I was fishingLake michigan in 2000 i was having kicker problems would run the dye it was on and off constantly drove me nuts. it was getting dark out and the darn thing did it again that meant all the baits settled down when i got it going agin one of the lines started to scream I had a friend along told him to watch the boat I thought i was snaggedand wanted to clear ir. I grabbed the line and it was a fish but a monster we reeled the other lines in to get them out of the way Ifought that fish for 45min then it started to come up.I had a 17 ft boat it was getting dark and then we saw this monster it was longer then the boat and had a tail that looked like a shark and it was whiteish scared the bleep out of us until we got it up closer.It turned out to be a Sturgeon that was longerthen the boat I guess in the early 1900’s they planted some russian strain sturgeon in the Milwaukee area never to be caught like they had hoped that really was spooky. it had bit the spoon was hooked right in the mouth.
January 22, 2014 at 2:25 pm #1381839I was fishing with my younger brother in oconto and we were maybe 9 and 12, we were eating cheetos watching some spawn bags on set lines and his rod started going, cheetos were flying dropped the flashlight in the water and the fight was on, maybe 20-30 min later he had a nice 17lb hen chinook in the net and his little size 6 octopus hook had threaded the eye of a treble snagged in the fishes back, the odds of that have got to be a bagillion to one, we don’t really see each other much anymore but that is one of my best memories with him, somewhere out there is a polaroid of that one but you’re gunna have to take my word for now
January 22, 2014 at 2:41 pm #1381844One more and this ones got a pic, I was fishing walleye in EC and hooked a huge musky on my dink walleye stick (size 1000 shimano 6 ft light and 6 lb test), only got one look initially and it took off into the current, the river was full on flood stage and there was a terrible back eddy ripping around a sandstone cliff back towards the dam, I was putting everything I could on that fish to keep it outta there but eventually it got sucked into the whirlpool, the only thing I could do was wade out to a rock and open the bail with the hopes of the fish turning if it didn’t feel pressure, I managed to get to the rock without drowning and opened the bail, after about 30 seconds I was losing hope and started reeling in slack, there was a youngster fishing perch down there and I turned to him to tell him that the fish was gone and before I could finish my sentence the drag was screaming and the fish was headed downstream, from there it was a war of attrition until I eventually slid the huge fish into an eddy behind a rock and half grabbed half bear hugged the thing, never got a measurement as I was in a rush to get a picture and release the giant but that fish put up such a fight any number would have been an insult to it, if I had to guess right around 50 maybe a lil over, any guesses
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