Vex 22 problems!

  • fishrman
    SE Iowa
    Posts: 18

    My Vex started acting up on my first venture on the ice this year. Vex told me to send it up and he would make sure everything was up to snuff before sending it back. I just got it out after getting it back last Weds. thinking I would go fishing today. I thought, I better give it a test before leaving. IT IS DOING THE SAME THING IT DID BEFORE I SENT IT IN!!!! I used to think Vex repair and customer service was second to none and it probably still is but I think I got overlooked on this one. Here is my note back to Vex:
    To Vex,
    I am now TOTALLY frustrated!!! I got it back and today was the first time to give it a try. There is absolutely no difference at all with the new motor you installed! It is still rocking back and forth on normal mode excessively! In low power mode, it doesn’t do it. It acts normal in low power mode only! Again, in normal mode, it is much louder and has an added click to it or something. There is a definite difference between normal mode and low power mode. In normal mode it is rocking back and forth over a foot! Could this be brushes or something it needs other than a motor??
    If I increase the gain in low power mode all the way up, it still doesn’t make the sounds like it makes in normal mode and continues to hold the signal like it is suppose to.
    I don’t get it!!

    Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going on here with my Vex 22?? I have had a Vex since the 8 and then got an 18 and now this 22 for the last couple of years. I like the company and the machine but boy, am I getting frustrated!!

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    My marcum is rocking back and forth about two feet. I will be sending it in so we’ll see how it goes.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Sorry to tell ya but you need to do a better job explaining to us what the unit is or is not going for you.

    Rocking back and forth, something is louder and a click or something…

    Posts: 207


    My marcum is rocking back and forth about two feet. I will be sending it in so we’ll see how it goes.

    The old mans brand new lx5 is rocking up and down as well about a foot on the screen. It sounds and acts completely normal except the bottom is moving up and down?? He is calling marcum in the A.M.

    SE Iowa
    Posts: 18


    Sorry to tell ya but you need to do a better job explaining to us what the unit is or is not going for you.
    Rocking back and forth, something is louder and a click or something…

    The rocking back and forth thing refers to the display not showing an absolute bottom or target between the top and the bottom. The flashes on the screen don’t stay at the position they should, instead, they rock back and forth and this can be as much as a foot and half on the ten foot scale. The noise it makes is not the typical Vexilar hummm when in high power mode. There are a few extra clicks with the hummm. In low power, all seems to be good! Hope that helps.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    I would check the power. use a volt meter to test voltage of everything including the port that plugs into the back of the unit. Voltage should be the same as battery. A good battery will read 13v or just over and when drained about 11.5.

    I notice issues with the bottom moving when the batt is about shot.

    May not be the cause but its somewhere to start.

    SE Iowa
    Posts: 18


    I would check the power. use a volt meter to test voltage of everything including the port that plugs into the back of the unit. Voltage should be the same as battery. A good battery will read 13v or just over and when drained about 11.5.
    I notice issues with the bottom moving when the batt is about shot.

    May not be the cause but its somewhere to start.

    Mine is showing 12.59.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Wish I had “the” answer for you.
    Voltage was my first thought, even before I read that you were heading it back to the factory.

    My thought is “GET THEM ON THE HORN!” Name , numbers, dates.

    John, you know how to document things, right? Right.

    Hoping the best for you my friend,
    Denny O

    SE Iowa
    Posts: 18


    Wish I had “the” answer for you.
    Voltage was my first thought, even before I read that you were heading it back to the factory.

    My thought is “GET THEM ON THE HORN!” Name , numbers, dates.

    John, you know how to document things, right? Right.

    Hoping the best for you my friend,
    Denny O

    Thanks Denny! Good to hear from you! I gave them a call this morning and was able to speak to who Pat referred to as “the boss”, he couldn’t figure out what the problem is or why the new motor didn’t fix it. He told me that it wouldn’t be the brushes causing this type of issue. So, after telling me several times that he didn’t know what to tell me he said he was going to send me out a new unit and that I was to send him back my old one. Told me he needed my credit card to do this in case I didn’t send the old one back. Seemed more than fair to me and much above average customer service! The reason I stick with Vexilar after all these years. Sure hope the new one solves my issue. Stay tuned!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    There you go!!!!

    You are right John, “above and beyond!”

    SE Iowa
    Posts: 18

    The saga continues.
    I got the replacement unit today. Hooked it up. It did the same thing the other one was doing. Bouncing around. I got to thinking and moved the transducer cable on the back of the unit where it connects. It lost connection. I played around with it and finally decided there was a short at the connection. I had recently installed a new DD100 (shows digital depth and battery power) on the unit and when you do this, you have to pigtail into the transducer wire connection. I unhooked the DD100 and hooked up the transducer direct to the back of the unit. PROBLEM SOLVED!! Works perfect!!
    Now, I sit back down and write Pat a quick note letting him know I solved the problem and he writes back:

    John, I’m glad you were able to figure it out. We’ve only had about a dozen failures of the DD-100 and I just received one yesterday from a customer with the same concern. It was, indeed, a bad connection where the transducer connects. Whatever is easier for you, send it to us or get it back to the original retailer. They or we will take care of the problem and get you a new one.

    Sooo, guess there are some issues with the new DD-100 now!!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Touch Down!

    Posts: 160

    Glad to hear they took care of you, and you are up and running again.

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