My Vex started acting up on my first venture on the ice this year. Vex told me to send it up and he would make sure everything was up to snuff before sending it back. I just got it out after getting it back last Weds. thinking I would go fishing today. I thought, I better give it a test before leaving. IT IS DOING THE SAME THING IT DID BEFORE I SENT IT IN!!!! I used to think Vex repair and customer service was second to none and it probably still is but I think I got overlooked on this one. Here is my note back to Vex:
To Vex,
I am now TOTALLY frustrated!!! I got it back and today was the first time to give it a try. There is absolutely no difference at all with the new motor you installed! It is still rocking back and forth on normal mode excessively! In low power mode, it doesn’t do it. It acts normal in low power mode only! Again, in normal mode, it is much louder and has an added click to it or something. There is a definite difference between normal mode and low power mode. In normal mode it is rocking back and forth over a foot! Could this be brushes or something it needs other than a motor??
If I increase the gain in low power mode all the way up, it still doesn’t make the sounds like it makes in normal mode and continues to hold the signal like it is suppose to.
I don’t get it!!
Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going on here with my Vex 22?? I have had a Vex since the 8 and then got an 18 and now this 22 for the last couple of years. I like the company and the machine but boy, am I getting frustrated!!