New Otter Cabin.. Is this right?

  • gbfan10
    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 351

    I bought the new Otter Cabin on Monday. Everything went together well and seemed to be of high quality. The problem I have is how the tent attaches to the tub. It just doesn’t seem right. I was also told I can use self tapping screws to hold the plastic trim pieces, but these look tacky.
    I can also see light from inside between the tent and the tub. Did i do something wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    That’s how mine is. There are some gaps at the curves.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Yes from the pictures everything appears to be attached correctly. I don’t have screws on mine and they rarely come off so i wouldn’t be concerned about yours, especially with screws in them.
    I assume you have tried sliding the fabric connectors around on the sled to best position it to eliminate the gaps?

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    In the first picture is the canvas around the outside of the sled corner? It kind of looks like it could be pulled to the outside of the corner which would eliminate a gap in that area!

    Also where is the gap in the last picture located on the sled? Like Grant said you should be able to slide the pieces around until you eliminate all air gaps.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Since those connectors are fastened to the material I would say that is impossible.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    I am thinking mine is connected under and inside of the sled. Hard for me to explain. I will check and get back.

    I think there is a curl in the sled lip.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Grant is correct, been so long I did not remember hooking it up.

    Posts: 659

    Looks rite to me,mines about the same,except I skipped the screws,like was said before the clipe rarely come off and when they do just clip them back on,the screws can make for a nasty cut/puncture or slash of hands when lifting into or out of the truck,its happened to me on others houses thats why I skiped them.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Why can’t they give you another inch of canvas to play with? I’ve had clam, eskimo, and frabill, and all of them had plenty to work with.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Why can’t they give you another inch of canvas to play with? I’ve had clam, eskimo, and frabill, and all of them had plenty to work with.

    I was planning on keeping an eye out for end of season deals on Otters. I’m starting to have second thoughts, this seems to come up somewhat frequently.

    Posts: 4033



    Why can’t they give you another inch of canvas to play with? I’ve had clam, eskimo, and frabill, and all of them had plenty to work with.

    I was planning on keeping an eye out for end of season deals on Otters. I’m starting to have second thoughts, this seems to come up somewhat frequently.

    Don’t let these problems sway you away from Otter. Just don’t buy one in the peak of ice season, buy one this spring on closeout from somewhere. Call all the local shops in your area after ice season and see if someone has one left over, or better yet a floor model already assembled! Buying in the off season will allow time for otter to fix a problem if there happens to be one, and you won’t have to be without it while fishing.

    Ray Gylsen
    Posts: 215

    I wonder what ever happened to the old idea of using the bungee cord method? I still have the green style with that set up and still works. I also looked at the new style and was a little puzzled at the why they changed. I too found what I would call big gaps between the canvas and sled. Like you once said Kevin, maybe outsourced to China.

    Posts: 2


    I wonder what ever happened to the old idea of using the bungee cord method? I still have the green style with that set up and still works. I also looked at the new style and was a little puzzled at the why they changed. I too found what I would call big gaps between the canvas and sled. Like you once said Kevin, maybe outsourced to China.

    We have a Bingo! I know someone who worked at a canvas shop that used to make all of Otters canvases for their houses. Now doesn’t work there since the work was “out sourced”. What happened to good ol’ American made?

    Posts: 319

    Exactly out sourced like alot of other products like augers! If I have to plan ahead and wait till off season to buy a shack so I have enough time to deal with the company if there was a problem to get it fixed I believe I would buy a different brand name. Also seems to be alot of complaints on customer service from otter or rapala!

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