Safe place to park a truck in Mason City, IA

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m looking for a recommendation on where a buddy can drop a truck for a couple days in Mason City, IA. I’ll be coming down I35. Dave Koonce will be coming from the east from Prairie du Chien, WI. Mason City look like a good place for Dave to drop his truck and hop in with me as we continue south. Any recommendations? Is there a “park and ride” in that area right along the interstate?

    I thank you in advance for any suggestions offered.

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 314

    Mason City Municipal Airport might have parking and that is right off of 35

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    There is a truck stop right at the 194 exit (Clear Lake Hwy 18 west) on the west side of I35. I would not be afraid to leave a vehicle there for a few days. Mason city proper is about 5 miles east of I35.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 416

    James, if I am looking for a safe place to leave a vehicle in most any city…Hospital parking lot.


    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Mason City look like a good place for Dave to drop his truck and hop in with me as we continue south.

    ..Hey James how far south rrr you going.? Far E-Nuff to put a boat in or you going to punch holes in Iowa Ice.?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Mason City look like a good place for Dave to drop his truck and hop in with me as we continue south.

    ..Hey James how far south rrr you going.? Far E-Nuff to put a boat in or you going to punch holes in Iowa Ice.?

    We’re headed south to scratch the ice fishing itch. If you want to know the eventual destination you’ll have to watch the show.

    Char’s guide
    Hampton, Ia.
    Posts: 105

    James, I live south of Mason City in Hampton. 10 miles east of I35 on exit 165, if you want a safe place you can park at my place. Call me at 641-456-4165 for more info.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    I stayed at the Best Western Holliday Lodge in Clear Lake once and they have a really big trailer parking area that is lit. There was a lot of railroad equipment parked there. I suppose you could call them if you get desperate.

    Posts: 255

    There’s always the Diamond Jo casino just south of the MN border.

    Northern IA/Lincoln Lakes Area
    Posts: 253

    I work in Mason City, my suggestion is to have your buddy just park in the Walmart parking lot. Should not have any issues doing that, no snow expected this week so no snow removal issues. Walmart is on the very west end of town on Hwy 122. First stop light coming in from the west, on the south side of the road. Easy trip off and back on I-35.

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    If you are still looking – there is a Harrison Truck Center right at the Clear Lake/Mason City exit off I-35. I do business with them and they have let me park my truck there when I head north. Send me a PM if you want me to arrange this for you.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 21

    Another vote for Clear lake exit truck stop. I’ve left vehicles there for a couple days when heading north many times with no problems.

    North Iowa
    Posts: 106

    If you are interested in a secure parking spot, I live 10 miles west of Clear Lake on a farm and you are welcome to park a vehicle at my place.
    PM me if interested.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Thanks for all the help guys !!

    Fish On !!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Thanks for all the help guys !!

    Fish On !!!

    I think Dave made a decision on where to leave his truck a couple hours ago. I’d tell everyone where but it would probably end up wrapped in toilet paper or something…

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    Posts: 94

    If you need some recommendations on the Iowa bite, or an area to target, just PM me. I’m in tune with the bite on most of the lakes in central/north central Iowa. I can also recommend any local bait shops new where you are going, where ever it maybe.

    I’d also recommend the truck stop in Clear Lake. It is at the intersection of I35 and Hwy 18. My guess it would be the most convenient for the both of you.

    Posts: 4033



    Thanks for all the help guys !!

    Fish On !!!

    I think Dave made a decision on where to leave his truck a couple hours ago. I’d tell everyone where but it would probably end up wrapped in toilet paper or something…

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    It would end up with a giant VEXILAR sticker down the side. Wait, that is the same as covering it in toilet paper.. never mind.

    Posts: 4033

    I have to say, I’m SUPER STOKED to see an Iowa show.. especially one down in my area. Can’t wait to see it.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926




    Thanks for all the help guys !!

    Fish On !!!

    I think Dave made a decision on where to leave his truck a couple hours ago. I’d tell everyone where but it would probably end up wrapped in toilet paper or something…

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    It would end up with a giant VEXILAR sticker down the side. Wait, that is the same as covering it in toilet paper.. never mind.

    I’m pretty sure that’s why Dave told me where he was going to park his truck and then told me not to post WHERE he was going to park it. I’m sure someone would take the opportunity to play a well-intentioned practical joke or two.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    My guess is a southern Iowa farm pond show. Some slob gills and crappies with some bonus bass and cats. Are you bringing BK?

    Posts: 4033

    I hope not, hope its on some public water. You can toss a dart at the Iowa map and hit a farm pond full of nice fish.

    Posts: 4033

    My guess is they’re headed for Des Moines area. Brushy or big creek.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I hope not, hope its on some public water. You can toss a dart at the Iowa map and hit a farm pond full of nice fish.

    No, not a farm pond. We’re headed for public water. Nothing against farm ponds… just not this time around.

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001

    Is Dave going to have more magical fish swimming up his hole while his rod is 10 feet away in the snow again? Can’t wait to see what happens this week!

    Posts: 4033

    Was that the trout show? I think that was the marcum guy (sorry, forgot his name!)

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Was that the trout show? I think that was the marcum guy (sorry, forgot his name!)

    That was Jon “the pied fish piper” Marshall from MarCum Tech. I’m convinced the fish feel sorry for him.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5871

    When might one view this upcoming show?
    I seem to have to view them online. But hey, that’s very convenient for me, right?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    When might one view this upcoming show?
    I seem to have to view them online. But hey, that’s very convenient for me, right?

    We haven’t filmed it yet so we are counting chickens that haven’t hatched yet but assuming things work out the show from this trip south would air next week.

    Posts: 2596

    Oh yea, down south ice fishing in Bermuda shorts, my toes in the sand, a pole in the water…the only ice in sight is the cubes swimming in my Crown Royal and Coke in a tall glass.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    When might one view this upcoming show?
    I seem to have to view them online. But hey, that’s very convenient for me, right?

    I believe they air on Sunday morning at 8:00 AM on Fox Sports North?

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