Auger in the drink

  • Scrode
    Posts: 5

    So I loaned out my auger and somehow the auger disconnected from the power unit. The auger portion is in 12′ of water any suggestions on a retrieval method?


    Posts: 776

    A big magnet !

    Posts: 1493

    Chainsaw and a wetsuit…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    A big magnet !

    X2 Fleet Farm, Tractor Supply, or any other farm supply type store will have large enough magnets. Hopefully someone used enough common sense to mark the hole. If viewable with a camera, you will be able to see if it went off to a side. Might have to drill a series of holes a few feet out from the original hole to get in contact with it. Not that i ever had to anything like this but i watched other guys do it and it worked great

    Posts: 195

    Don’t feel like your the only one this has happened to one of my fishing partners, he knocked/dropped his Vex down a ten inch hole. ever seen a grown man cry while fishing??? I still give him crap and laugh about it. only b/c we were able to retrieve it and get it fixed.
    Now for your auger blade. go to the hardware store and buy the strongest magnet they have. tie it to a strong line, say 3/16 or better if you can get right above it and this should be enough to bring it up and retrieve it. you might need to use your gaff or something to get it upright in the hole.
    Best of luck to you and your retrieval.

    sw Mn.
    Posts: 418

    cash from borrower ????
    Underwater camera and a heavy duty hook or lasso

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Cut a rectangle in the ice like for spearing. Magnet should do it. Just curious, did you really loan it and then it happened or…. I kid

    Posts: 4033

    Like others have said, magnet. If the ice isn’t too thick you can probably just pull it back up the hole it went down. Get it under the ice with the magnet then reach your arm down and grab it and pull it through.

    Posts: 5

    Thanks for all the replies. Yes I loaned it out. Honest! I’m hoping to get it tomorrow. I have a camera so hopefully the water clarity is recent.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    Take 3 really large trebels each attached to some 1/8 to 1/4 anchor rope about 12 inches long. Attach all three to a single length of same rope to reach the surface.

    May need a weight to reach bottom.

    Jig around until two of trebles catch around the target.

    retrieve the pole, auger, anchor, etc.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Those fiberglass poles used on tents work great to attach a magnet to, I have also attached small tea strainers for smaller objects.
    A lot of kids in my fishouse, I have seen just about everything go down.
    The best was a hot dog that we got back inside a 4 pond northern later that day,

    Posts: 249

    Northern Tool has a good selection of magnets as well. Probably the best selection of all the places listed so far. I lost mine in 40 feet years ago. I couldn’t retrieve it, so bought a new bit at D-Rock in New Brighton.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956



    A big magnet !

    X2 Fleet Farm, Tractor Supply, or any other farm supply type store will have large enough magnets. Hopefully someone used enough common sense to mark the hole. If viewable with a camera, you will be able to see if it went off to a side. Might have to drill a series of holes a few feet out from the original hole to get in contact with it. Not that i ever had to anything like this but i watched other guys do it and it worked great

    Just me but aint it going to be hard to drill a series of holes with the auger on the bottom of the lake.

    Sorry couldn’t resist. Magnet would be my bet.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    I was borrowing an auger before i got mine and that same thing happened. luckily i caught it before it got down the hole. good luck getting it out… interested to see if the magnet works

    Posts: 15

    My vote is for a polar plunge! Make him dive for it and film it. Could maybe even win some money on AFV with it. The magnet is also a good idea.

    Posts: 2596

    Just watch, when he goes back with a camera he will find the auger is creating structure that is holding monster fish…what to do, what to do.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Thanks for all the replies. Yes I loaned it out. Honest! I’m hoping to get it tomorrow. I have a camera so hopefully the water clarity is recent.

    Haha, I really would consider cutting a bigger opening in the ice as opposed to just a hole. Give yourself room to maneuver. Would enjoy a follow up to this post, good luck!

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I had the same thing happen a few years ago, I tried the magnet trick but as the auger went down it was still spinning and augured it’s self into the mud. I had an old screen tent that had aluminum poles, I bolted the poles together and run a small cable down it inside, then bolted it to the end so I could pull it snug like an animal catch pole. I had to keep it in 2 pieces until I got to the pond, then finish bolting it together. I used an aqua vu camera to see what I was doing but watching it on the screen and moving it is tough, when you move one direction it’s opposite of what the camera shows. Once I was able to grab it I really had to pull it hard to get it unstuck from the mud.


    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I forgot, make sure you drill a hole bigger than the auger under the ice.


    Posts: 4033


    First off don’t feel alone second try not to lend it out again with out knowing its not going to happen again lol this should make you feel a little better

    I sure hope that wasn’t someone on here… that had failure written all over it from the start.

    Nisswa Mn.
    Posts: 54

    If you can get something hooked on it and can’t get it through the hole you can always tie on a buoy and shove it under the ice for an easy retrieval in the spring

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    What sis the mfg and model of the bit? What is the bottom substrate?

    Sorry to hear this, you are a better guy than I for helping.
    This is one reason I dont loan my stuff out.

    Posts: 5

    It’s an 8″ Jiffy. I have never fished the lake so I don’t know what to expect. My biggest concern is locating the auger in think I will be able to retrieve it if found.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    First off don’t feel alone second try not to lend it out again with out knowing its not going to happen again lol this should make you feel a little better

    I like how he keeps the powerhead running.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    If you cut a large rectangle hole as some have suggested make sure you mark it good so someone doesn’t fall into it. A man could get a broken leg or a kid could go right in.

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