Strikemaster Laser Mag rides again!!

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    Last week I replaced the fuel line. This weekend my son-in-law Mike helped me re-build the carburetor. I bought the kit from D-Rock, who also gave me some valuable tips on doing the job. Now it runs like it’s brand new. Pops off on the first pull, idles, chews through the ice like magic. I couldn’t be happier.

    It came in very handy yesterday. We were on a small lake that neither of us knew very well. I started poking holes and Mike followed along behind me with a rod and his new Marcum. After about a dozen holes, we found **The Spot** and really got into some reasonable sized Bluegills and some very nice Crappies. If we had only poked a coupe of holes we would have missed out on some great fishing.


    SE MN
    Posts: 8

    I’m glad to hear that the carb kit helped. I think that is what my Lazer Mag needs. It starts fine and will run for awhile but will bog down and eventually kill. It has fresh gas with some Seafoam and a new spark plug and air filter. Fuel lines look fine, so I hope the carb kit will do it. Was it fairly easy to do?

    Posts: 47


    I’m glad to hear that the carb kit helped. I think that is what my Lazer Mag needs. It starts fine and will run for awhile but will bog down and eventually kill. It has fresh gas with some Seafoam and a new spark plug and air filter. Fuel lines look fine, so I hope the carb kit will do it. Was it fairly easy to do?

    When the auger is about to die maybe try unscrewing the gas cap to vent the tank. Just a thought as I have to do that once in awhile on my lazer mag.

    SE MN
    Posts: 8

    I tried opening the gas cap and I’ve also tried giving it some choke, but it didn’t seem to help. I was thinking I’d get a new air vent when I get the carb kit.

    Posts: 177


    I tried opening the gas cap and I’ve also tried giving it some choke, but it didn’t seem to help. I was thinking I’d get a new air vent when I get the carb kit.

    If it dies after warming on while idling, adjust the low end of the carb. I would try that before I broke the carb down.

    SE MN
    Posts: 8

    It seems to idle fine after starting and will run to drill multiple holes. I’ve drilled between 5 and 20 holes before it bogs down. If I give it some throttle it’ll run longer, but it eventually dies. When I try restarting, it is tough to get started, unless I give it some throttle.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1001

    Sounds like the carb is gummed up. Try letting it run for a few minutes to warm up and then pour some Seafoam in the carb while it’s running – enough to get it to stall. Let it sit for 20 minutes and start it up. If it’s fixed, great, it not do it again with a bit larger amount of Seafoam. Otherwise, sounds like it’s due for a carb rebuild.

    Good luck.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13382

    Good to hear Steve. Those old Tucumseh motors are fantastic. Not ready to trade mine in yet on one of the newer motors. Just to simple of a motor. flip the on switch, hit choke, few pulls and its going. Ran mine against my neighbor new solo a couple of years back. Difference in drilling a hole was maybe a second. With a primer bulb, decompression button, exposed wires going to the kill switch, all reasons Im not up grading.

    SE MN
    Posts: 8


    Sounds like the carb is gummed up. Try letting it run for a few minutes to warm up and then pour some Seafoam in the carb while it’s running – enough to get it to stall. Let it sit for 20 minutes and start it up. If it’s fixed, great, it not do it again with a bit larger amount of Seafoam. Otherwise, sounds like it’s due for a carb rebuild.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice, I’ve been running Seafoam in the gas hoping to clean it up. How do you get the Seafoam directly in the carb? Through the air intake? I’m not exactly a master small engine technician, but with some guidance I can figure it out. It is the Solo 142 engine if that matters.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1001


    Sounds like the carb is gummed up. Try letting it run for a few minutes to warm up and then pour some Seafoam in the carb while it’s running – enough to get it to stall. Let it sit for 20 minutes and start it up. If it’s fixed, great, it not do it again with a bit larger amount of Seafoam. Otherwise, sounds like it’s due for a carb rebuild.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice, I’ve been running Seafoam in the gas hoping to clean it up. How do you get the Seafoam directly in the carb? Through the air intake? I’m not exactly a master small engine technician, but with some guidance I can figure it out. It is the Solo 142 engine if that matters.

    Yup, pour it in the air intake. If it’s pretty gummed up Seafoam mixed in with the gas isn’t going to clean it out. If pouring it in the carb helps, but still isn’t quite right, warm the engine up and do it again. Sometimes it takes several soakings for it to clear out all the crud.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717


    I’m glad to hear that the carb kit helped. I think that is what my Lazer Mag needs. It starts fine and will run for awhile but will bog down and eventually kill. It has fresh gas with some Seafoam and a new spark plug and air filter. Fuel lines look fine, so I hope the carb kit will do it. Was it fairly easy to do?

    The auger I have has the 2 hp Tecumseh 2 stroke engine. the carb on mine is different than the one on yours so I don’t have any idea how involved it would be. I bought the rebuild kit from D-Rock for $11 so this turned out to be one of the least expensive repairs I’ve had in a long time. I’d give them a call. Their mechanic is the best in the business and gives very solid advice.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 296

    X2 on D-Rock. I thought I was going to have to drop some significant coin on a new Strikemaster, but their mechanic fixed up my old Tecumseh and had it running like it was out of the box!

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