Strikemaster purchase help

  • Beuks60
    Posts: 24

    I am a long time jiffy owner looking to purchase a new auger. After doing some research, it seems like a lot of guys are raving about the solo motor on the strikemaster. Now is where I need some help….I am leaning towards the lazer pro because of the 3 hp motor. Does anyone have any suggestions about why one or the other is better or if one is better in certain situations. and am I being smart by shying away from the four stroke auger? Have heard about a lot of issues with these. Thanks for any help!

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    I just switched from jiffy, got the 2.5 8″ lazer due to friends that have said the 3 was a dog. I only have about 30 holes under my belt with it. I am still learning its starting pattern, ive got it at about 10 pulls now but HOPE that improves as I learn the engine.
    I still have my 00′ jiffy but was getting tired of using it when the ice got over 2′.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178

    I run the 2.5 hp Solo with a 9″ auger. It rips through the ice, crazy fast. There’s nothing someone could say to get me to go up to a heavier 3 hp auger. When you’re drilling 15-30 or even more holes at a time, lugging that thing around would be awful.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I am a long time jiffy owner looking to purchase a new auger. After doing some research, it seems like a lot of guys are raving about the solo motor on the strikemaster. Now is where I need some help….I am leaning towards the lazer pro because of the 3 hp motor. Does anyone have any suggestions about why one or the other is better or if one is better in certain situations. and am I being smart by shying away from the four stroke auger? Have heard about a lot of issues with these. Thanks for any help!

    There’s very little speed difference between the 2.5 and the 3 HP motors. Both are very, very fast but it isn’t like you’ll see a huge difference in cutting times attributed to that extra half HP.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ve just made my mind up on getting the Lazer Mag and not the Pro. Same transmission speed and everything else that I could find – except the extra power. Most of the ice I fish is 6 to 20″ rarely do I get into thicker ice and that is where the extra 1/2 hp really helps. Throwing the slush up from a 26″ hole takes some torque.
    I just met up with some guys at the harbor down here and I got to try out Luke’s new 8″ Lazer Mag. I was impressed. Compared to my 27 year old S.M. Mag II, night and day difference. I ripped about 10 holes through 10″ of ice in just a couple minutes. So much faster than the old chipper blade and slower gear box. That 2.5 hp Solo idled nice and had plenty of power when I hit the throttle!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I run the 2.5 hp Solo with a 9″ auger. It rips through the ice, crazy fast. There’s nothing someone could say to get me to go up to a heavier 3 hp auger. When you’re drilling 15-30 or even more holes at a time, lugging that thing around would be awful.

    Just to clarify… all Solo powered augers weigh the same. The 2.5 HP Solo isn’t lighter than the 3 HP version. Even the 2 HP weighs the same as the 3 HP.

    Terry Heese
    Posts: 168



    I run the 2.5 hp Solo with a 9″ auger. It rips through the ice, crazy fast. There’s nothing someone could say to get me to go up to a heavier 3 hp auger. When you’re drilling 15-30 or even more holes at a time, lugging that thing around would be awful.

    Just to clarify… all Solo powered augers weigh the same. The 2.5 HP Solo isn’t lighter than the 3 HP version. Even the 2 HP weighs the same as the 3 HP.

    YEP! So more HP is better in my book!

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793



    I run the 2.5 hp Solo with a 9″ auger. It rips through the ice, crazy fast. There’s nothing someone could say to get me to go up to a heavier 3 hp auger. When you’re drilling 15-30 or even more holes at a time, lugging that thing around would be awful.

    Just to clarify… all Solo powered augers weigh the same. The 2.5 HP Solo isn’t lighter than the 3 HP version. Even the 2 HP weighs the same as the 3 HP.

    Why no weight difference?

    Posts: 94

    You may want to take a look a the new Clam Edge auger. It’s basically a Strikemaster with a few differences. Aluminum gear case and a “kill” button rather than a on/off switch. Still uses the Solo motor. It also runs the Laser shaver blades. I think they are also $25-50 cheaper than the Strikemasters. I’m not a fan boy, I just have been looking at them to see what I will need if my Tecumsch powered Strikemaster ever dies.

    Posts: 57

    A while back when my cord came loose from my solo and I had to bring it in to strikemaster at the big lake location they told me the way to turn off a solo is by pressing the blue button..can’t remeber what its call but yea hit that to turn off…the on/ off switch should be more like a emergency shutoff only….

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178


    Just to clarify… all Solo powered augers weigh the same. The 2.5 HP Solo isn’t lighter than the 3 HP version. Even the 2 HP weighs the same as the 3 HP.

    I stand corrected and amazed. How is it possible to have the extra HP and no extra weight?

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