
  • zachabbott
    Posts: 91

    What is the best general time for ice fishing crappie? Have any of you guys had any luck fishing for crappies into the night? Thanks

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    Crappie fishing at night can be great. There are a few lakes that I fish were the night bite is phenomenal.

    Blain Masterson
    Posts: 28

    I find that about 45 minutes before sundown is the best

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    An evening or night bite for crappies can be very productive. However I do most of my crappie fishing mid day and usually do very well with the basin bite.

    The best time to fish is when ever you can get out! Good luck let us know how it goes.

    Kavokian Slough, WI
    Posts: 42

    For me it depends on the body of water and weather. In general my best crappie bites have been first hour or so of light and the last hour give or take of light.

    I have had some great mid day bites as well as some all day bites. If the weather is right and they are feeding hard I have caught crappies a solid hour plus into the dark. My schedule doesn’t allow me to much night fishing. Ok have honestly only givin the night bite a go on a few occasions.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13378


    An evening or night bite for crappies can be very productive. However I do most of my crappie fishing mid day and usually do very well with the basin bite.

    The best time to fish is when ever you can get out! Good luck let us know how it goes.

    Ill second that. Most of my crappie fishing is during the day and usually catch plenty. Any time you can go is the best time.

    Ray Gylsen
    Posts: 215

    The month of March when it generally warms up and less fishing pressure with the stick shacks off the lake. I then can find them easier and more willing to bite.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    They can be caught any time of the day or night. It depends a lot on the body of water. We have one lake that we only fish from midnight until daylight. Late ice in March is the best fishing as they go shallow.

    Posts: 4033

    You can catch them all day, but IMO the best time is the “magic hour”. The last half hour of daylight and first half hour of darkness.

    A couple times I can remember not catching much and then saying “well I’ll fish til dark and then head home” and the fish go like crazy in the magic hour. Most of the time I’m catching fish as fast as I can drop it down all the way until I can’t see the rod tip anymore.

    One day me and buddy stayed so late catching fish that we had to take turns. He’d shine his phone light on my rod so I could catch a fish, then I’d shine mine on his. Sucks when you forget the lantern!

    One tip I will give, if you stay that late without a lantern.. be sure to put all of your stuff away in the daylight… putting a cover on an auger and packing up stuff when you can barely see your hands SUCKS.

    Posts: 91


    You can catch them all day, but IMO the best time is the “magic hour”. The last half hour of daylight and first half hour of darkness.

    A couple times I can remember not catching much and then saying “well I’ll fish til dark and then head home” and the fish go like crazy in the magic hour. Most of the time I’m catching fish as fast as I can drop it down all the way until I can’t see the rod tip anymore.

    One day me and buddy stayed so late catching fish that we had to take turns. He’d shine his phone light on my rod so I could catch a fish, then I’d shine mine on his. Sucks when you forget the lantern!

    One tip I will give, if you stay that late without a lantern.. be sure to put all of your stuff away in the daylight… putting a cover on an auger and packing up stuff when you can barely see your hands SUCKS.

    Hahaha, I can relate with you… I have experienced a very dark fishing trip already this year. I forgot the lantern and the flashlights. Let’s just say, that won’t happen again

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