This is by far the most underrated spoon on the market. You rarely hear anybody talk about it on the ice, you never see it on any shows/videos, and you rarely see it mentioned here. This has been one of my favorite spoons for many years, and it is very surprising to me to hear of all the people who have never heard of it! I received many messages all over the internet from guys asking about the lure I’ve been talking about the last couple days.
Here is a picture of my favorite color, #6 clown in the “last years model”.
The #6 size is my favorite for panfish, but I do a couple mods to it. I use it in 4 ways. The first thing I change is to take the split ring off the top, I use a no-knot snap instead. I also change up the hooks depending on what bait I am using. From left to right in my picture, standard spoon with factory #6 red hook, #8 red VMC hook and also bronze, #10 gold hook with flapper (for use without bait), and #10 gold hook.
The standard factory spoon is perfect for fishing crappie and big bluegill, its my go-to when I’m targeting just crappie and I usually tip it with one big fat waxworm. The #8 is the all-around size for me, its small enough that a decent sized bluegill will have no trouble taking it in and still big enough to get a hook in the big crappie and I usually tip it with either a waxworm or 2-4 spikes. The #10 with flapper is for a no-bait approach when the fish are very active and chasing, the flappers I bought in a bulk pack from somewhere but I cannot remember where. The #10 plain is the one I choose when there are bluegill and crappie, or when I’m targeting smaller eater sized crappie (sub 11″) and I usually tip it with 2-4 spikes.
Here is a close-up of the spoon that was responsible for my biggest Iowa crappie.
Now, there is a time and place to fish these spoons over a slender spoon. The slender spoon is a flutter spoon, which means it flutters side to side as it falls. As a result of the fluttering, the slender spoon falls a lot slower. The demon spoon drops like a rock, straight down to the fish. If you are chasing schooled up fish, or hole hopping, getting down quick is the name of the game and the demon spoon does just that. It has a totally different action in the water than the slender, and in my opinion neither one is a replacement for the other.
If you do not have any of these spoons in your box, you really should pick up a few. You can order last years model directly from CJ&S for $1.50 each, that is very cheap. These spoons are not pattern painted on both sides however, and most of them contain a plain glow back. But for the price they cannot be beat. CJ&S ships very quick and always USPS priority.
I am not sponsored by them, I have no affiliation with them.. I just love their products and want to share it with you all in hopes it will help you put more fish on the ice!