Ice Fishing Buddies and Auger Troubles

  • acafisherman19
    Posts: 105

    Went out today on a local lake, fishing buddy didn’t show up for whatever reason, so had to pack all the stuff out by myself, lost about an hour or two of fishing time plus the three extra tip-up lines. Has anyone else had similar experiences? What did you do?

    Also, my recently purchased late 90’s Jiffy Model 30 cut through the first 15″ of ice, but the last 1″ I could not get. Luckily I had a hand auger along and cut the last inch off. This is my first time with a power auger so that may be why, but can anyone give me any tips?

    Thanks for the input,


    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I have a couple buddies in the past that I no longer fish with because they either failed to show up at all or constantly late for the day. I have only so many days to play and I am not going to let a couple of lackey’s wreck my day.

    As far as the auger not going through the last inch…. did you need quit a bit of downward pressure for the first 15″?

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    buddies and fishing buddies are not always the same thing. I hate planning a whole day of fishing a week in advance just to have the buddies show up late or cancel at the last minute. I have everything I need to go fishing so I usually just tell people what time I’m going to be at the lake, if they meet me there its awesome, if not, I have no problem with silence. No help with the auger. Seems odd it won’t cut the last 1″. Maybe the auger has worn down into a cone shape?

    Posts: 105

    I was basically just letting gravity do it’s thing as I have seen many people do, and it does really rip through the ice until the very end, and then only the head unit spins like the auger itself is stuck. I don’t know if it could be a cone, how would it have been worn down to that shape?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    buddies and fishing buddies are not always the same thing. I hate planning a whole day of fishing a week in advance just to have the buddies show up late or cancel at the last minute. I have everything I need to go fishing so I usually just tell people what time I’m going to be at the lake, if they meet me there its awesome, if not, I have no problem with silence.

    X2. That is exactly how I approach it as well.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    does this bit have a triangle power point? i can’t remember this specific auger. usually the ice/snow makes 360 degree cone around your point reducing the cutting blade’s effectiveness.

    also excess ice shavings still in the “hole barrel” can cause the last few inches to be a bear to finish. (chipper blades)
    let the flights evacuate the shavings and help it out by lifting the auger up a couple times when drilling thick ice, be “easy” sending back down. don’t impact the ice at the bottom of the hole.

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    I don’t know if it could be a cone, how would it have been worn down to that shape?

    I have no clue as I have never heard of that. Just brainstorming. I can’t think of a reason an auger would cut through 14″ of ice every time but never get through the last inch.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 908

    Thats a strange one with the auger…my jiffy just never cuts worth a crap! The buddys not showing up…been there done that.Now i just say this is where i will be and i dont count on anybody for bait,ATV,etc etc. The only time i would cancel if it was a life or death situation.

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723


    I was basically just letting gravity do it’s thing as I have seen many people do, and it does really rip through the ice until the very end, and then only the head unit spins like the auger itself is stuck. I don’t know if it could be a cone, how would it have been worn down to that shape?

    If it has a chipper blade they tend to take a big bite at the end of the hole and will break through and wedge/jam when they should still be shaving at the ice. Its Like running a drill bit through steel and when you break through, the bur makes the bit suck down and jams the drill against the surface! If that makes sense.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    I’d find a new buddy with a nice auger Just kidding… I would guess maybe bent flighting at that magic number 14″ ?? I also just rely on myself, that way I can’t be disappointed. Now there are times when you have a group and you have a meeting time… we usually do it at a resort, meet for breakfast and if your late, you get a bowl of cold cereal or go hungry

    western ne
    Posts: 9

    had an auger bit that the welds were cracked at the tip , did something like you are saying .

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I have the same jiffy 30 with a chipper blade and the last 1″ is always the hardest. I just let the auger spin with no pressure until it cuts through. You could also try to cut at a slight angle to see if that helps.

    Posts: 105

    Thanks for all the helpful posts! Needless to say, the aforementioned person isn’t on my A-list, partly because a great deal of adult beverages were involved in his absence, and too much of those and ice don’t really mix in my mind.

    As for the auger, is it in fact a chipper blade, so the problems seem to match up. I’ll try just letting it spin or cutting at an angle, those seem like good solutions.

    Thanks again for all of your help!


    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    sounds like your drill is just hanging up on the last breakthrough. not uncommon and takes some finesse/playing around with that last bit. my only chipper blade years ago would almost snap your wrist off if i didn’t back off the throttle and hold it back when i’d start to feel the breakthrough.

    my 10 inch, two blade laser mag would do it too, new and reopening holes. actually unfurled the auger along the flight welds one day.

    only my 9 ingh 3 blade laser with the ring around the blades didn’t do it, it’s too bad that design is in the boneyard. it was my favorite but the blades were too fussy.

    currently have a 10 inch eskimo two blade with the ring, no longer have the breakthrough problem.

    Chippewa County, Wi
    Posts: 129

    mine was doing it bad last year and found one blade was loose tightened the bolts made alot of differance but still hangs a little just used to it. Chippman

    Southeast Wisconsin
    Posts: 7


    mine was doing it bad last year and found one blade was loose tightened the bolts made alot of differance but still hangs a little just used to it. Chippman

    X2 make sure your bolts are tight. My buddy had a similar problem with his strike master, once he tightened the bolts it was a lot better.

    Posts: 2596


    I’d find a new buddy with a nice auger Just kidding… I would guess maybe bent flighting at that magic number 14″ ?? I also just rely on myself, that way I can’t be disappointed. Now there are times when you have a group and you have

    a meeting time… we usually do it at a resort, meet for breakfast and if your late, you get a bowl of cold cereal or go hungry

    If I only had myself to rely on I would always be dissappointed

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793


    I have the same jiffy 30 with a chipper blade and the last 1″ is always the hardest. I just let the auger spin with no pressure until it cuts through. You could also try to cut at a slight angle to see if that helps.


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