Vexilar help!

  • iceisnice
    Posts: 12

    Need your help picking out a vexilar, I fish a lot of shallow wate(under 7 feet) and can’t decide what vex to purchase. I also don’t want to spend a lot for features I will never use. I know this topic is probably like beating a dead horse but your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 40

    if you fish mostly shallow water fl8 is all u need. fl18 has the zoom feature but really unneccessary in shallow water!!

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    The FL22 hd is great for shallow water but it is being discontinued. You can still get them through vexilars website. It’s max depth is 60 ft with the flat display and low power mode.

    Posts: 40

    If you don’t want to spend a lot, and fish in shallow water I’d get a fl8. You can pick them up pretty cheap, like $150 used. If not the marcum vx1 would also be a good choice for a low cost.

    Cheboygan MI
    Posts: 125

    I use the fl8 and have never had a problem with it my unit has the genz pack and takes a beating it is simple and works great. if you have never had a sonar unit before this will work great for you. all of the features are nice however they are not required for fish catching. i would check out the humming bird ice 35 its a great unit. its basic the one thing i like about the humming bird is it runs on a different frequency so it doesn’t get interfered with by other units. shallow water though it wont make a difference because there isn’t enough water for your signal to get interfered with by other units

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    If you dont get out of shallow water much the FL8 should be your guy.
    The 18 is the same except for the fact you have the option to run a split screen, Half for full water column and the other half is a 6′ bottom zoom.
    Very solid units.

    Posts: 94

    I’d definitely get the 18 at least! That unit has a Low Power setting that helps out greatly in weeds or in situations when there might be a lot of baitfish coming out of the bottom.

    If the Low Power feature interests you Vexilar has it offered in the FL-12. FL-18. FL-20. FL-22 and the new FLX-28.

    Good fishing,

    Corey Bechtold

    Posts: 65

    X2 on the FL-18

    I fish several lakes with less than ten foot. I still use the zoom, and if you ever make it to a deeper lake you will have the added depth. The low power is nice for shallow lakes too.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Saw a used FL12 for $240 on another site.

    I think anything from the FL18, Fl12, Fl20, Fl22 and the new 28 will all do a great job for you in shallow water. I have the 20 and love it.

    Posts: 12

    Think i am going to go with the fl12 thanks for all the help!!

    Posts: 45

    Looks like you got some great advice here. The one thing I would add is pay attention to cone angle. I run 8 degree cones in weeds or wood where I don’t want to pick up a cone full of crap, but on a shallow flat with no cover its better to run a 20. Just stuff to keep in mind, consider getting a unit with an adjustable cone angle if you can.

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