Has anyone tried this?

  • riverbottoms
    Posts: 136

    I was told to spraying your feet with antiperperspirant will keep your feet drier thus warmer, does it work, just curious.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    It didn’t work for me. I would rather use foot powder.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’d prefer powder too.

    Hey, what about some rice in your socks?

    Posts: 195

    Foot powder works for me as well.

    Posts: 195

    Foot powder works for me as well.

    Posts: 136

    Thanks for your input Trumar it was greatly appreciated.

    Posts: 136

    What brand of foot power works the best for those that use it?

    Posts: 162

    Deodorant is for odor, unless it contains an anti perspirent it won’t keep your feet dry. I prefer foot powder as well.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    Deodorant is for odor, unless it contains an anti perspirent it won’t keep your feet dry. I prefer foot powder as well.

    EXACTLY! That is why anti-perspirant is often used for athletes foot in place of or with powders

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    I like Gold Bond

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    I just herd about that last Thursday. The source told me that his girlfriend would double up on socks add foot warmers and he would have to leave after 4-6 hrs. because her feet would get cold. He talked her into antiperspirant (he made the point to use aerosol) one pair of insulated socks, now she makes it all day.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Deodorant is for odor, unless it contains an anti perspirent it won’t keep your feet dry. I prefer foot powder as well.

    Deodorant.. was only a word I used to do the link .. I was in a hurry

    Posts: 65

    Gold Bond, in the green bottle. Muti purpose, just make sure your completely dry after the shower.

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