Suggestions for location for Walleye end of Dec.

  • phoyem
    Posts: 375

    Looking for any advice on a place that rents ice houses (sleepers or non) on a lake that has good walleye action. Preferably within 3 hours of MSP. Not really looking for trophy size, but just good action. Any other fish (perch, pike, trout) would be a bonus but not necessary.

    Heading up there the last week of December.


    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    I would go to Mille Lacs. There are a lot of options for places to rent from. I have experience with Appledoorns and Portavilla. Both we had good luck at and staff was good. Depending where you are set up you will catch walleye mostly during the evening, night and morning. But if you have perch moving through you can catch them all day. If your real lucky you could even catch an eelpout

    Good Luck.

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    UPPER RED LAKE- daytime and night-time bite..a bit further to drive but well worth it! Check out Portavilla rentals- if they are booked send me a PM and I can reccomend a few others. There are many great options. West Winds Resort, Red Lake is always good early in the year, good numbers of fish between 16-20 inches… You will not be dissapointed. I believe James and Joel are fishing up there right now before the snow storm!

    Email me with any additional questions, have spent lots of time up there!

    Posts: 375

    Thanks for the info. I know lakes up north have great fishing (red, LOTW, rainy) and as close as Mille Lacs is, I’ve heard of too many people go there for a day or weekend and get shut out or close to that. Any suggestions for an in-between?

    Posts: 193

    Its going to tough to find an in between that offers shelter rentals. The question I ask is what is your plan with the fish. Do you want to go out and catch or do you wants to bring home some eaters? Mille Lacs does have new restrictions for how many fish you can bring home.

    Walleye: Release immediately all walleye less than 18″ or greater than 20.0″, except one over 28.0″ may be harvested. Possession limit is 2, with only one over 28.0″

    Chad Dee
    Posts: 9

    Been out of the loop for a few years, and do not know the current scoop on their operations….but would check out/google H&H guide service in the Alex area, as well as who would also probably be able to set you up somewhere within the 3 hours range. Both Drake and Josh would be able to put you on some fish.

    Winona, Mn
    Posts: 56

    I’ll be heading up there in 11days. With the help of chad benson im pumped. just not looking forward to the 8hr drive tho

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