Fishing with the kids

  • tight-lines
    Posts: 65

    Looking for a way to get out ice fishing with 3 kids (3-9). I have taken one at a time in the Clam but was looking for other options. Do you guys run tip-ups while sitting on shore? I was thinking we could sit in the Tahoe and play cards/games while watching some tip-ups? We fish smaller lakes with good number of eyes, pike and perch.

    Quintin Biermann
    Webster, South Dakota
    Posts: 436

    If you can readily park next to good fishing grounds this sounds like a winner plan to me, – QB

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    I like the Tip-up idea or iFishPro. It sounds like you understand the keys to keeping the kids warm and occupied! Either way it will be a blast!

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723

    Sounds like a great way to me! The older kids don’t seem to get cold as fast. Just make sure the little one keeps warm and you should be good! I would look into a hub style shack as another option. On a calm warmer day that would do the trick. They are less expensive for their size compared to flip overs. And can fit more stuff in them when setup without a sled to contend with.

    Posts: 7348

    Hats gloves and boots will keep plenty warm. Bring a shovel and clear a little rink for them to skate or play some boot hockey on, throw ice chunks across the lake see who can chuck it farther, let them just dig around in the bank looking for stuff, let the kids be kids outside the vehicle and some hot cocoa inside if really needed.

    Justin Phillips
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 129

    Definately make sure they are warm and having fun during the down time. Thats half the battle especially as a kid. Ill never forget the way I felt as a kid everytime me and my step dad ran after a flag and it was my turn to bring the fish up! Hopefully you get them hooked on ice fishing the way my step dad did with me.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Tip-ups or Tip Downs for kids are great, just an FYI for you. We had a warden talk to us when fishing with young kids and Tip ups. We were warned that the young children need to tend their own Tip ups, so if you have 2-3 (Depends on your state laws) tips up for each person including the 3 year old, they will need to tend their own tip ups.

    This guy was nice about it and we got into a long discussion on what we were allowed to do and not do. Basically he said to be in complete observance of the law we were not allowed to touch a child’s Tip up period. He also stated that a warden would have to watch you do it and also be a real hard a$$ to give you a fine.

    Just an FYI.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13374

    Try finding a shoreline spot with a hill near by so they can sled. They will be happy for hours. Doesnt even need to be much of a hill. A 5 or 10′ bank and they will spend forever trying to find the best way to sled down it. Set up some tip ups for pike or active panfish on the 1st break line and you should be set.

    Posts: 45

    I think a big hub would be a great way to take kids fishing because you could keep everybody warm without having to give up the ability to head to the best fishing spots. That way you can keep the little rascals happy and stand a good chance at putting them on great fishing at the same time.

    Posts: 13

    We have a an ice fishing get together every Feb on a local metro lake and last year we used my buddy’s hub-style Clam 6-Pack for a warming house/kids fish house. We drilled six holes inside and used a Big Buddy Heater to warm it. The kids took over the place and had a blast. Santa is bring me one for Christmas this year! We also set tip ups and put the kid’s name in a hat. First kid drawn gets the first flag, next kid next flag. Keeps ’em watching.

    Chad Dee
    Posts: 9

    If you can afford to….like others have mentioned…. get a bigger hub like a six-pack or one of those double units, a heater, and some of those cheap floor mats or i/o carpet. Set that thing up ahead of time in house if possible and they will for sure get excited to get out and play in it. I have had my kid and his friends out on the ice for years now and the biggest key to keeping them out there is keeping them warm and as dry as possible. Well, that and as many distractions and treats as you can. Outdoor sports like golf, whiffle ball, kick ball, skating, boot hockey, make shift frisbee golf, even horse shoes(no, not the metal ones) ….along with tip ups are a great way to “fish”. Keep the games short, warm up, and repeat often will easily get you hours. One of those portable firepits along with smore material or some hot dogs can provide some fun. After they are done with being outside, a couple bags of mom banned treats, a cot, and some sort of mobile screen with a movie is simply money, and will allow some time for you to fish as well. Good luck, it can be frustrating, especially if you have to bail on a good bite. But don’t push them……sometimes it just time, and ya got to go…..

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