Its always a great idea this time of year. Unless…you have that buddy that just can’t avoid getting hammered the night before you go, and doesn’t show up. The certain body of water we planned on going to just wouldn’t be smart to go alone, as the walk to get to deep water is very long. So, woke up early, burned a bunch of gas to drive there, and left. Tried to stop by gander on the way home for minnows, and there was a line wrapped around the friggin building waiting to get in. Skipped that idea and hoofed it out to Carls instead. As per the Carls daytime norm, the fishing sucked. Hell with it. Left and went home to a dozen and a half eggs all over my living room floor ( 2 year olds are great). So…anyone else have that jerkoff buddy that screws your whole day?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » Buddy system
Buddy system
November 30, 2013 at 10:20 am #1367632
That is the kind of fishing buddy I do not rely on. I have a list of friends that get called first and they are last on my list if they show up late or no show ever without a call.
November 30, 2013 at 10:38 am #1367634You were wise to play it safe though; as much as it sucked, it could have been worse.
November 30, 2013 at 11:26 am #1367640The ideal fishing buddy would be heavier than yourself and walks out ahead of you.
I’ve got an open seat to go to Mille lacs tomorrow.
November 30, 2013 at 12:34 pm #1367652“Die hards” are hard to come by now a days aren’t they!? I find it nearly impossible to get anyone out of bed before the 7am hour and if I’m even that lucky, they drag feet the whole day haha. I’ve decided to invest in nice ice picks and go out with a life jacket on and a spud to check the ice in the daylight before I go out for my first early morning.
On the plus side of things, it’s great to get out there solo and have some time to focus on one of the more important things in life – fishing. Always a good time when you have “the quiet” to think and plan out your day on the ice without someone suggesting a thousand other ideas, one of which is usually leaving early haha.
So get out there and have a killer day on the ice! Make sure you put it on blast to make everyone that didn’t make it out… jealous. Tight lines!
Posts: 45November 30, 2013 at 12:58 pm #1367655This time of year I always feel like a minority in the fact that I’m comfortable going out by myself. I just adjust my standards to 4″ or better and obsessively check the ice. Gets me a lot of extra ice time for all the reasons mentioned.
November 30, 2013 at 1:05 pm #1367656I left out one valuable piece of info…he had the spud bar. Mine is either stolen or missing…otherwise I’d have been out there for sure.
November 30, 2013 at 4:57 pm #1367683I’m pretty lucky, my neighbor is my fishing partner and we go about things the same way. Had others in the past that would always let me down so I would go it alone. Also have a great friend that fishes the same body of water that can be counted on also.
November 30, 2013 at 7:43 pm #1367704This has actually been sorta eye opening…after about 20 or so times of this over the years, perhaps its time to say shame on me…
November 30, 2013 at 7:58 pm #1367709I’m lucky that my best friend wants to go as much as me and me brother always goes so I always have someone to go with. If someone never called/text to tell me that they weren’t going. that would be the last time they went with me.
Posts: 105November 30, 2013 at 8:20 pm #1367717Still on the hunt for my diehard buddy, definitely does seem harder to find them these days. vikesfan, that person would no longer be on my list.
December 1, 2013 at 6:38 am #1367752The great friend I met was after a day out by myself. On the way off the lake I stopped to talk to the last people I saw on the lake. After a moment of talking with Greg and his girlfriend it was realized we had chated on a fishing forum before. I was just learning the lake and he had somevery good insight to share. We will meet up first ice and check it out togeather. Most of the time we go seperate ways but will always keep in touch while we are out. So i guess what I am trying to say is maybe look at who is out there and stop and say hi. Also when i do that I keep my hands in the open so the people I am talking to know I didn’t mark there spot with my gps.
Posts: 2596December 1, 2013 at 10:40 am #1367801Quote:
Its always a great idea this time of year. Unless…you have that buddy that just can’t avoid getting hammered the night before you go, and doesn’t show up. The certain body of water we planned on going to just wouldn’t be smart to go alone, as the walk to get to deep water is very long. So, woke up early, burned a bunch of gas to drive there, and left. Tried to stop by gander on the way home for minnows, and there was a line wrapped around the friggin building waiting to get in. Skipped that idea and hoofed it out to Carls instead. As per the Carls daytime norm, the fishing sucked. Hell with it. Left and went home to a dozen and a half eggs all over my living room floor ( 2 year olds are great). So…anyone else have that jerkoff buddy that screws your whole day?
Hey man, I’m real sorry, but me and John Gillespi got friendly with a bottle of Wild Turkey the night before. Man it was insane, we caught more fish in that bar than we would have ever caught actually being out on the lake. How can I make it up to you? He gave me a bunch of ZipLure kits…want one? Peace out
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