Arctic armor

  • lawnbuilder
    Fargo, ND
    Posts: 8

    I was looking at the gold and black and wondering how they compare? So far I have only been online looking so I haven’t actually seen them. Thanks

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    It is very warm and it will float. I went through in 20 ft of water a couple years ago. Some idiot moved his permanent shack about 6 feet and never marked the spot. There was 8 to 10″ of good solid ice except where the south facing end of shack was. I’m not sure what caused it to melt out, too much heat in the shack plus the sun or what. We walked out in the dark and were fishing near the shack because of the cribs in that area. I walked through where the shack was, it was skimmed over from that night with about an 1″ of ice leaving a nice 4X4 soft spot. All that got wet was part of an arm and my feet. I popped right up like a bobber. My fishing buddy grabbed my arm and lifted me right out.

    Scared the you know what out of me!!! The stuff is very warm but you do not want to be pulling a sled around with it on unless it’s -10 or colder. It doesn’t breath real well and you will sweat in it if you are do any activity unless it’s really cold. It’s great for bucket sitting out in the open.

    I have the Camo suit, it’s very soft and flexible. The legs do NOT zip up far enough to make it easy to bet the bibs on and off with large boots.

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    I can only comment on the red suit that I have had for a couple years. It’s cold, it’s clammy, it doesn’t breath so you sweat and get wet, it’s stiff, it’s uncomfortable, and it’s a pain to get off and on. Other than that it’s still horrible. It works for spring fishing in the boat because you don’t move much, it’s still stiff but at the price I’m too cheap not to use it for something.

    Southeast Wisconsin
    Posts: 7

    Check out the Striker Ice suits they are a great suit. They float, keep you warm and dry. Plus they have venting and can breathe. Also built to last.

    Posts: 177


    I can only comment on the red suit that I have had for a couple years. It’s cold, it’s clammy, it doesn’t breath so you sweat and get wet, it’s stiff, it’s uncomfortable, and it’s a pain to get off and on. Other than that it’s still horrible. It works for spring fishing in the boat because you don’t move much, it’s still stiff but at the price I’m too cheap not to use it for something.

    Sounds like my AA suit! You are 100% correct in your statement about the suit.

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    I like my suit have it for 2 yra and stay dry and warm I dont like shantys so i am always on a bucket I fish 6 tourneys a tr and would not be without it stay dry and warm in the spring the floating part is a plus

    Posts: 9189

    On year 7 with my Red AA suit and it’s been nothing but fantastic for me. Besides 40+ days of ice fishing it gets used in the boat, when I work outside, and for waterfowl hunting. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

    For some reason I just can’t wrap my head around the common arguments of “It’s too cold” and “I sweat too much”… sounds like an (oxy)moron to me.

    I understand that people get sweated up and then get cold.
    Maybe try taking the coat off while walking out or drilling holes

    Naahhh… way easier to just sweat and complain about it on an internet forum

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    Easier yet to get a different brand. Seems every AA post gets 200 responses and it’s about 1/2 & 1/2 love hate. Those aren’t good stats.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760


    Easier yet to get a different brand. Seems every AA post gets 200 responses and it’s about 1/2 & 1/2 love hate. Those aren’t good stats.

    I guess you could get a different brand if you’ve wore out the AA suit. The AA suit I have is also the camo style. And I agree with the other post it’s warm & soft. It would be nice if the leg zippers came up higher you just can’t get rammy trying to get your leg out with your boots on is all.
    If I was in the market for a new suit I would probably look at the Striker brand but my AA suit is in great shape and does a great job. One good thing about BOTH suits…They Float !!!!

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    Easier yet to get a different brand. Seems every AA post gets 200 responses and it’s about 1/2 & 1/2 love hate. Those aren’t good stats.

    I think it is more of how to use the suit issue than anything. I caanot speak for the stiffness of the colored suits, but I know other suits like Strikemaster , Frabill, and others are not the most pliable in sub zero temps either.

    If you you wear it while pulling out a heavy sled in snow or drilling a bunch of holes you will sweat, because the suit is not the best at breathing. It does have openings under the arms that you can zip open to help with ventilation and I have found this to help a lot. I normally just wear the bibs and a hooded sweatshirt while walking and drilling holes unless I’m concerned about thin or weak ice. If I’m sitting outside and it’s cold I will put the jacket on.

    Works well for me, I also wear it while snowblowing when it’s really cold and it’s perfect for that. I stay warm and do not sweat as long as I let the blower do the work and don’t over exert myself.

    It’s all in getting to know how much activity you can do and having the underarm vents open if you do more activity. My biggest reason for wearing it is the fact that it helps to keep you floating if you do go through.

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    I really like my red arctic armor. On year 4 or so and a couple of my fishin buddies have bought and love them as well. I only wear the jacket sparingly. The bibs are on all year for ice and some time in the boat. I would buy again!

    Posts: 16

    I have two different bib/parka sets, and a suit, to wear on the ice. I have a set of the camo Artic Armor, a set of the Striker Ice Hardwater wear, and a Mustang Survival Suit. I have sweated more in the AA wear, vs. the Sriker Ice wear, because the Striker set is vented better. It’s that simple. The Mustang suit is not really for moderate to heavy activity use, because you will sweat in it, no question. But it’s floatation properties beat the other two bibs/parkas sets, without question. I use the Mustang suit when the pucker factor goes up under certain conditions, on the ice. I stay warmer in the Striker Hardwater set vs. the AA wear, and noticed it more when it is windy. There is nothing wrong with Artic Armor wear. It was all that was available when it first came onto the market. It does make for great waterfowl hunting clothing. The Striker Ice is my preferred set for the ice. Better features, and venting. Take it for what it’s worth. YMMV.

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