Changing oil in your Honda Auger

  • glenn-d
    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    For the guys that got a new Strikemaster last year with the Honda 4stroke engine did Strikemaster send you a new bottle of oil to run in it. It’s a synthetic oil. I was wondering if the guys that have changed it over already did you just dump the oil out that was in the engine. And does that drain enough out for the entire new bottle. Thanks

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    For the guys that got a new Strikemaster last year with the Honda 4stroke engine did Strikemaster send you a new bottle of oil to run in it. It’s a synthetic oil. I was wondering if the guys that have changed it over already did you just dump the oil out that was in the engine. And does that drain enough out for the entire new bottle. Thanks

    Yes… they sent me a bottle AFTER they got done sending me a brand new auger, since their initial (incorrect) oil recommendation locked up my auger

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Mike you mean the bottle of oil that came with the auger was wrong ?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    I wanted to make clear that this is not a StrikeMaster change, it’s a Honda change. Registered Honda owners can email StrikeMaster CS with their full name, serial number, address, date of purchase. They will then send out the proper new documentation and a new bottle of oil. If they aren’t registered, new oil and documentation can be found here:

    4-stroke Synthetic Oil 3.4oz

    Honda Manual

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    Mike you mean the bottle of oil that came with the auger was wrong ?

    Yes sir, that’s correct… wrong type of oil and only 1.7 ounces was supplied with the auger. I supplemented it with another 1.7 ounces of the exact same type of oil so it was filled to the proper level; however, on one extremely cold morning the engine completely locked up. I’m assuming the oil lost it’s viscosity in the cold and was not circulating through the engine

    I’ll give StrikeMaster/Honda credit though, they completely took care of me and I’m looking forward to using the new auger this season!

    Posts: 222

    Ok so what is the correct oil amount. Is it 1.7 or 3.4 oz

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    I did receive my new bottle and instructions and a new sticker to place on the motor to use only that oil. I was just concerned with being able to use the whole 3.4 oz after dumping the old out. But I got it figured out. Thanks

    Glad you got taken care of the right way. You’ll love that auger as I do mine !!!

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760


    Ok so what is the correct oil amount. Is it 1.7 or 3.4 oz

    My sticker says 3.4 as does the manual.And that’s what size bottle they send you.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Guys I’m sorry I didn’t see the thread started on this very topic on 11-19 !!! Should’ve looked closer !! Great job on the other post !!

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    My Strikemaster Honda (purchased last December) was leaking oil on the garage floor (older oil), called Strikemaster. They sent in a call-tag and had me send in the powerhead. They replaced it with a new powerhead and a jug of the new oil. Great service.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Glenn and others, glad you guys got taken care of, and thanks for posting!


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