Ice Fishing in Grand Rapids Area

  • meestro
    Posts: 136

    If you had your choice of lake for a 2 night 3 day ice fishing trip which lake would you pick within 50 miles of Grand Rapids (i.e. best chance to hook up with some fish with a modest set of fishing skills)?

    Fishing mainly for walleye or perch but anything biting is a plus.

    I am entertaining and want to start with the best foot forward.


    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    50 miles of Rapids gives you lots of lake options. I would say Winnie would be your best bet for multi species. Walleye, Perch, Pike, Tullipee.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    50 miles of Rapids gives you lots of lake options. I would say Winnie would be your best bet for multi species. Walleye, Perch, Pike, Tullipee.

    I’d second that, and tell you to consider Upper Red. Lots of willing walleyes up there, but a little far, and not as well known for its other species.


    Posts: 136

    Thanks guys…. I think I will go with Winni as it is a bit closer

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