Im in market for new hand auger 6″ been very happy with my lazer looking for imput on the new nils orange auger
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new hand auger 6″ Nils or lazer
November 18, 2013 at 10:53 am #1364714
There is a reason Nills is still around being a “smaller fish” in the market.
November 18, 2013 at 11:19 am #1364721Quote:
Im in market for new hand auger 6″ been very happy with my lazer looking for imput on the new nils orange auger
As I understand it, the orange auger was primarily designed for folks to attach to electric drills but yes it does have the hand crank for manual operation as well. The bit is a little less aggressive than the standard bit (blue auger, red cutting head). As easy as a Nils hand auger is to use, I would stick with the regular auger but that’s just me.
November 18, 2013 at 11:23 am #1364723I really like the Nils. I have an 8″ that I use until the ice starts to exceed 12″ then I switch to the power auger. The offset handle makes a world of difference (Would you buy a bike you can only peddle with one leg?). They’re more spendy but I think they are worth it.
November 18, 2013 at 11:34 am #1364728I should have mentioned I use the blue hand Nils. I would say if you think you’ll hand drill holes the Nils is hard to beat.
Follow up Question: For those that use the electric power heads (of any kind) “Do you find you get sufficient battery life in a cold ice fishing environment?”
November 18, 2013 at 3:33 pm #1364778I don’t have the orange! I have had a blue for 10 or so years now! Would not trade it for any other auger period!!
November 18, 2013 at 5:12 pm #1364806I own an 8″ and have yet to see a Lazer even try and keep up with it by hand…About as effortless as it can get, so easy you’ll think your on 2″ of ice not 10…
November 18, 2013 at 5:30 pm #1364808I’ve had both augers and nothing can even come close to the Nils.
November 19, 2013 at 10:39 am #1364955Buzzer:
I’ve used both, and think you should consider your options. I never got on the Nils bandwagon because of the blades and replacement scenario. Everyone who owns an auger should carry replacement blades and/or have a backup option should you run into sandy ice, hit a rock, ding in transport, etc. If you don’t carry them with you, then you should expect to be able to find them wherever you ice-fish. That just isn’t the case with the Nils blades. Replacement blades are twice the cost, and the unit itself is also twice the cost. Add up that cost, and you’re halfway towards a good power auger.
Not that I’m against spending more money on a superior product, but it was over my threshold considering the amount of use I put towards a hand-auger annually.
InactivePosts: 0November 19, 2013 at 10:42 am #1364957Quote:
Im in market for new hand auger 6″ been very happy with my lazer looking for imput on the new nils orange auger
Forgive me, but if you’re happy with the lazer… why are you looking for new?
Posts: 674November 20, 2013 at 9:45 am #1365225I bought a 6″ Nils a couple winters ago. It’s about my best ice purchase in a long time next to owning electronics. I could get by without and just use my power auger but the light weight and convenience is very nice till the ice gets near the 12″ mark. It’s so effortless to use I wish at times I bought the 8″ instead.
I’ve used the Lazers and to me, they turn SO much harder than the Nils. It might be a little more money, and the replacement blades might cost more, but they can be sharpened as well. I’ve put some miles on mine the last couple years and haven’t even thought about sending it in for sharpening yet.
I also don’t have a replacement blade. If I do hit a rock, I can use my power auger as backup till it comes back from sharpening.
The blue Nils all the way for me when it comes to hand augers.
November 20, 2013 at 12:01 pm #1365271For those of you using Lazers, how often are you having to sharpen the blades? Do you just get new blades? How much use are you putting them through?
For comparison purposes, my 6″ manual Nils had six – seven years of use on it before I splurged for a sharpening? With one known exception, we typically don’t have sand in our ice here. I use the manual up until ice gets to 12″ or so and then the gas 8″ Nils gets the nod. Having said all that, I’m slightly toying with the idea of marrying a 10″ lazer with a 355 Tanaka simply just for the larger hole but have been very happy with both of my Nils.
November 20, 2013 at 10:49 pm #1365396Lets just say my 20 year old lazer is at the bottom of the river I made a make shift augee saver out of 2 4″ bolts was drilling with 18 volt Dewalt auger sucked down snapped my bolts never in a million years didI think that would happen ive got a 8″ power auger lazer mag just keeping my options open
November 23, 2013 at 8:50 am #1366070The way I see it is all these guys here love their Nils for drilling by hand, sell your power auger and buy the Tanaka powerhead and have best motor for it and light weight! Hand auger and power auger in one unit instead of having a power auger to keep blades up and a hand auger to maintain. 1 unit done. I would bet money those who run the solo and try a Tanaka would be making a switch. If you dislike the Nils a Mora auger rips on this as well…
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