Devils Lake Guide Suggestions

  • Beuks60
    Posts: 24

    I am thinking about heading to Devils Lake this winter to do some ice fishing for perch. Does anyone have any suggestions on a guide they would recommend? Also what is the best time of year to go and catch those JUMBO perch?? Any suggestions on lodging??

    Thanks in Advance!

    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    The Perch Patrol. They guide right out of The Woodlands Resort. Everything you need at one place.

    Posts: 52

    I have only been out to Devils Lake once, but as far as time of year goes it sure seemed as if mid to late January through February was the time to be on the ice. All of the pictures on the wall were from that time of year. I was out there in mid march and it was a very tough bite on the entire lake. Just my experience.

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 44

    My dad and I were thinking of the same thing this winter in January. Not trying to hijack your thread here but doing some google research found Brys Guide Service. Wondering if anyone has dealt with them or heard any info about them.

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    There are several good ice guide operations- Perch Patrol, Bry’s Guide Service, Perch-Eyes to name a few.

    You can catch jumbo perch all winter long but I’d say early and late ice are usually best. I’d target before Christmas and after the first week in March unless we have some unusual weather. The main lake areas are generally better early in December, and the adjacent waters are typically better later in the year.

    Jim Carroll NPAA #13

    Andover, Mn
    Posts: 299

    Check out Tory Holen, he’s a friend of mine and works hard for you.

    Posts: 24

    Thanks for your help guys. I am having a hard time getting in touch with most of these people but hopefully sooner or later I will hear from one of them!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    There is Jason Mitchell on Devils Lake also.

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