if you had to pick one

  • bigdaddyg
    north central indiana
    Posts: 103

    If you could only fish for one specis of fish what would it be, for me I would have to say perch they change up and move so much it’s an non stop search and with no natural walleye waters here it has to be perch

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    Wow! I love perchin’ Those come from the big water?

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001

    I don’t think I could ever pick just one… Maybe one per month? If I could do that it would be…
    Jan: stream trout
    Feb: stream trout
    March: lake trout
    April: crappie
    May: walleye
    June: musky
    July: smallmouth
    August: pike
    September: musky
    October: walleye
    November: buck
    December: walleye

    north central indiana
    Posts: 103


    Wow! I love perchin’ Those come from the big water?

    no it was lake maxnkuckee here in indiana

    Cottage Grove MN
    Posts: 283

    Perch are a blast to catch. Great job
    Do some reading on walleye and you will see how similar they are

    Posts: 4033

    For ice fishing? Crappie.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Lake trout.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    If I could only catch one species of fish one way, it would be Bluegills with a fly rod. That never gets old for me.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Trophy Brook Trout

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    Bluepieserch, oh heck, can’t pick one from the Mississippi River trifecta.


    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    Thats a tough one!! Hardwater I would have to say crappies, but bull gils arn’t far behind.

    Posts: 105

    On the ice, probably either crappies or northerns. Open water, probably muskies, can’t beat the thrill!

    On a side note, why are you doing this to me???

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I don’t have to pick one.

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001


    I don’t have to pick one.


    Posts: 6259

    Big pike of course, but I would need the water nearby to fish for them. As of now my big pike waters are 449 miles from here.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    99% of the time I ice fish I fish for gills with a tip up for northern.

    Last year I did try a new lake that was loaded with perch. They were not jumbos or big enough to eat, but they weren’t tiny either. They were everywhere and very aggressive. It was a lot of fun watching them on the Showdown and using slender spoons to get them. I moved around a lot to try and find some bigger ones, but that never happened. Still I would go back just for the action.

    For me ice fishing, I many times enjoy just a lot of action, even if the fish are small.

    Posts: 1899

    December-March 1: Pike
    March-April: whatever bites
    June-September: Muskies
    September-mid October: Sturgeon
    Mid-October-December 1: Muskies

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    Great Haul Big Daddy!
    I am from Fort Wayne and looks like I will be heading West this year! If I had to choose a fish through the ice it would be Perch or Walleye. This is due to the work involved in finding them. Next would be Pike because sometimes a 6″hole is barely big enough!

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    All year it has to be the crappie for me. I absolutely love seeing a big slab come sliding up the hole onto the ice. In summer love seeing the slabs rolling on top of the water or swimming in the reeds and weeds. So much fun catching crappies.

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    Pitching cranks to shallow, weedy/woody structure for big eyeballs!

    During the ice? Big perch/crappies/gills.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    If I really had to pick one, it would have to be a big species. Little fish just don’t do it for me. I love the sound of a screaming drag.

    Posts: 63

    Perch then gills,let my son run the tip ups. Jerry

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