Don’t lead others into believing that you know more than you really do.
Two years ago my fishing partners and myself had to put out planks to get across an open expansion. Two other guys showed up that “LOOKED and ACTED” like they knew all about this procedure. I told them I would not pull the planks until all where off that evening. We had marked the spot with a reflective marker post, we knew it would be windy and snow blowing.
When packing up to get off the ice we saw the two heading back to the landing. We finished packing and headed back to the landing. Thats when I realized these two didn’t have a clue. One guy was still on the lake part with the quad and there gear, the other was on the opposite side waving franticly. They could not find the planks and the one on the opposite side had fallen in the open water 3 times trying to find them and was soaked thru. By this time his partner was in a panic and had to be led around like a small child. We located the planks and got him and there equipment to the other side. They just sat there and where terrified to finish the trip off the ice by themselves and the wet one needed to get to heat soon.
Even though they led us to believe they knew what they where doing I would have felt responsible if something really catastrophic would have happened to them. This is not a mistake I will ever repeat.
Remember all of us that have some years under our belt where new and clueless at one point. So do not feel foolish asking for advise.