Strikemaster Lite Honda engine

  • Burr
    Posts: 98

    Looking for comments on the Honda Powered Strikemaster Auger. Now with a 10″ auger, it’s a consideration. I know there won’t be any experience with drilling 10″ holes yet – but how is this setup for:
    Power – only interested in the 10″ auger, ice will be thick
    Speed – auger speed
    Extreme cold weather starting
    Overall durability and dependability?

    I run a Lazer Mag now, ice fish almost exclusively on Lake Winnipeg, and almost exclusively mid and late season. -5 to -20 temps common, 40″ minimum ice thickness up to the full length of a 12″ extension.

    I have no experience at all with the Honda powered Strikemaster. I like the light weight spec, but want to make sure it will have the power and auger-speed to make quick work of a 10″ hole. I can end up drilling a lot of holes in a day.

    Any input?

    I’m wondering if I should just get another Lazer Mag or if a Strike Lite would perform as well?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Lake Winnipeg is tough on equipment no doubt, as well as the sub zero temps common in that area. In terms of reliability and cold weather starting, the Honda engine is very strong. Cold days last winter here in the states starting was no issue in colder weather (sub zero). This motor has plenty of power/torque to turn a 10″ drill and is just a few seconds slower than a Lazer Pro 3hp. Last March on your home waters we did put a 10″ drill on the Honda power head. Adding a 12″ extension this auger becomes ideal for weight compared to others on the market. Will this auger do the job for a 10″ drill….NO DOUBT. I am sure you won’t be breaking any speed records but you will be drilling a 10″ hole effectively without having to mix gas and with the light weight 4 stroke motor. I believe you will be very happy with this drill on LW.
    The Honda head unit is perfect for any drill size from 6′-10″.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Like Cal said, a few seconds slower on the Honda with a 10″ bit. The LM does turn that bit with a bit more torque as well. Both power-heads are dependable and stand up to abuse. That said, my nod goes to the Honda for extreme cold weather starts. My LM takes a few pulls and a warmup to get going, whereas that Honda motor starts 1st or 2nd pull nearly every single time.

    From my perspective, it’s nearly a horse apiece as both drill reliably in thick ice with a 10″ bit and both start well in cold weather. Each gets to nod regarding starting vs. speed but we’re talking about a couple seconds either way.

    Good luck!


    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Just for reference I’ve been runing the 3 HP lazer mag for the past 2 seasons with both an 8″ and 10″ bit but after fishing with Cal and others who were running the Honda engines I’m very confident that it will keep up so I’m also making the switch to a Honda this season… I love that I will only need to bring along a single gas can for weekends when we camp out on the ice and I’ve got my generator along

    The one bit of advice I will offer is that when you’re cutting through 3-4′ of ice you will definitly want to pull the auger out a few times to clear the ice chips before breaking through.

    Posts: 98

    Yeah on cleaning the hole when drilling deep. Anytime I get over the flights I’m pretty disciplined to clean the hole from that point down. I helped unstuck a bit once for someone else, so I don’t need to make that mistake ever.

    I would think the Honda will pull over easier than the Lazer Mag? You can skip the decompression button on the Lazer or Magnum power heads, but not so much on the Lazer Mag. I’m thinking the Honda will be an easier pull start?

    It’s hard to explain how hard Lake Winnipeg is on equipment, glad a couple of you understand what I’m trying to convey as intended usage. The lighter weight, when running a 12″ extension is part of what is going through my head.

    I always have 2 augers, one stays in the truck just in case. Thinking about getting a Honda instead of another Lazer Mag this year. My old Strikemaster is going away.

    One gas can is another attraction, I need to carry gas for the Quad anyway.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    In the future I will be upgrading augers, I want to stick with a lite auger and this sounds like the real deal. But why don’t they offer it with a six inch bit? I already have a 6in Sm bit and would love to run it on this power head and go to town but they aren’t available.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    In the future I will be upgrading augers, I want to stick with a lite auger and this sounds like the real deal. But why don’t they offer it with a six inch bit? I already have a 6in Sm bit and would love to run it on this power head and go to town but they aren’t available.

    All of the Lazer drills can be put on Strikemaster powerheads.
    I run a 6″ drill for panfish, 8″ for walleyes, and the 10″ drill for Lake Winnipeg….All 3 of these drills will fit my Honda 4 stroke motor. Purchase a Honda/8″ combo and you will have the best of both worlds when changing from panfish to walleyes. Or simply sell the 8″ lazer drill.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    I guess I could do that and just sell the auger that comes with it. Just wanted to buy a six inch right away that way I had two bits. But I can put the money i get from selling the 8 inch bit towards a new 6 inch then.

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553



    In the future I will be upgrading augers, I want to stick with a lite auger and this sounds like the real deal. But why don’t they offer it with a six inch bit? I already have a 6in Sm bit and would love to run it on this power head and go to town but they aren’t available.

    All of the Lazer drills can be put on Strikemaster powerheads.
    I run a 6″ drill for panfish, 8″ for walleyes, and the 10″ drill for Lake Winnipeg….All 3 of these drills will fit my Honda 4 stroke motor. Purchase a Honda/8″ combo and you will have the best of both worlds when changing from panfish to walleyes. Or simply sell the 8″ lazer drill.

    I just did exactly what Cal recommended. I picked up one of the 8 inch Honda Strikemasters and I couldn’t be happier. That it so easy to start and quiet, no more yelling over the auger when your fishing partner isn’t behaving!

    Ludington, Michigan
    Posts: 26

    I used the Honda all winter fishing tournaments from MI to MN. The only issue I had was on Mille Lacs on the second day of the tournament, the linkage froze up on me and wouldnt run over idle speed. After that I made sure to dry my auger out after every trip and keep wd-40 applied to all linkage parts. Make sure your linkage cable is not overly slack as it can come unhooked at the carb and is a pain to fit back in with cold hands. You will not have a problem with power. I also run a Tanaka which is a little faster but if it breaks getting it fixed is an issue. Had a gearbox go out in its second season and it took 6 months to get it fixed under warranty.

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