
  • dld24
    Posts: 347

    I read last weeks outdoor weekly and an author said he sometimes uses crickets through the ice, has anyone ever tried this??? If they didn’t die right away in the cold water I would think they would work great..

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Even if they did die, I think they’d probably work. I’d take off the legs and just use the juicy abdomen.

    Birnamwood, WI
    Posts: 574

    I have never heard of using crickets either, especially through the ice. I wonder if a guy could get a hold of some crayfish or shrimp and use chunks of that in the winter as well. I know the perch love the crayfish during the summer, when they are soft. Never thought to try it on ice though. The one problem with crickets is they might rip off the hook easily, I’ve heard from guys who use them that they aren’t very durable in open water.

    Posts: 4033

    I’ve used a plastic that was shaped like a cricket for crappie through the ice. Worked great. Anything that looks “buggy” and is presented correctly they will eat. I’m sure a cricket would work very well if the fish were active enough to eat a big profile bait.

    Birnamwood, WI
    Posts: 574

    What type of plastic was that?

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