Panfish line weight

  • Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185

    Curious what everyone else is using for line and weight when fishing panfish? I’m heading to northern Minnesota next week to do some panfishing and plan on changing the line out on two my rods.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    2 pound.

    Ray Gylsen
    Posts: 215

    I like 3 pound test, i can have a little bit more forgivness than 2 pound. I may not have that little extra finesse but i’m ok with that.

    Central MN
    Posts: 104

    I use 2 pound and use the heaviest jig the fish will let me get by with.

    Sometimes the heavy jig will spook them if it falls to hard, but when you fish deep I like to get down there as fast as you can.

    Just came off the lake and was fishing crappies in 30-40 feet of water and the fish were moving so fast that it was hard to get a hook to them before they would move on.

    When using two pound test be sure to check the knot often and retie after catching a bunch of fish.

    Good Luck

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    2# Stren Hi-Vis gold with a two foot long 2# flourocarbon leader uni-knotted on.

    Posts: 4033

    3lb sufix (about the same as 2lb of the other brands) when fishing open water, I’ll also use 2lb trilene if that is all I have. If I’m fishing around weeds or brush I step it up to 3lb trilene which is thicker and a little more abrasion resistant than the sufix.

    Sufix Ice Magic mono
    Trilen Micro Ice Smoke mono

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5729

    I haven’t been able to see 2 pound mono for the last 20 years.

    I use 4 lb fluoro.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I haven’t been able to see 2 pound mono for the last 20 years.

    I use 4 lb fluoro.

    3-4# flouro for me too.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Its getting that way for me to. A trip a couple of weeks ago broke off a jig right as it was getting dark out. Even with the truck lights had a heck of a time tieing a new jig on. Thought for a second I was going to call the trip because of not being able to get a jig on the line. Was tempted to go ask someone for help to but think I would of went home before that. My eyes have gone to heck in a year.

    Long way from home
    Posts: 316

    4# seaguar invizx for leader off braid on deep water rods and long line rods. I love it when all the “PROS” laugh and tell me I’m crazy. Then at the end of the day I have 2 times as many fish as them. Especially at the aquarium that is lake Geneva! I’ve found from 4# fluro to 1 pound fluro it makes no difference in bites. Make sure you tie a loop not and it won’t effect your lure action from a larger diameter line. I’ve tried most every fluro on the market and love the invizx.

    Posts: 698

    4lb seaguar. and a davy knot.

    Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185

    Thanks for all the advice guys. Decided to go with #3 Suffix Ice mono since that was about all that was left in stock. I now realize why I haven’t spent much time panfishing. Tried tying #10 tungsten jigs to #3 line. Crap, might be time to finally break down and get those bifocals the eye doctor has been suggesting.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5729

    I bought a pair of those clip on magnifier lenses. They clip onto my regular glasses like clip on sunglasses, except they are clear lenses that magnify like 2.5 times. I bought them at a drug store. I do a little trout fishing and trying to tie on a #18 fly with 6X mono was impossible until I bought these things. They look like this:

    web page


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