TUC Split Grip Ice Rods

  • scmelik
    South Dakota
    Posts: 238

    I know this was talked about on here a while ago but nobody had seemed to have them out on the ice yet. Did they increase the sensitivity of the rod? The fishability? The comfort?

    I am in the process of building a few rods for myself and thinking about doing a split grip, if they have proven to have a benefit as compared to solid grip rods.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Considering it would be a tad bit lighter it would increase the sensitivity some ,but the blank plays a bigger part in the sensitivity department.

    JMHO Jeff

    South Dakota
    Posts: 238

    thats kind of the way I looked at it too Jeff.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    It may be a little better balanced with a Split grip too,but how balance can one REALLY get it with only a 32″-36″ blank to work with?

    JMHO Jeff

    Posts: 4033

    I don’t know if you will get a real answer here. Not many guys “feel” for bits through the ice… mostly a visual sport. Might make pistol gripping the rod a little easier.

    South Dakota
    Posts: 238

    I agree I rarely actually feel a bite, maybe if the perch are being really aggressive you will feel the bite. Usually its more of the lack of feeling that is the key, a sudden disappearance of weight to the jig or slightly added weight.

    With your hand directly on the blank I wonder if it give the rod more feel to feel those smaller ticks of gills and perch.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I don’t have a split grip, but I can say that I do feel the bite on my 32″ TUC.


    Posts: 4033

    I’ve felt the bite of an aggressive bluegill on my 30″ TUC noodle a few times. Otherwise I’m watching the tip, if it moves one way or the other I’m setting the hook.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I have a 32″ TUC Precision rod that I got late in the season this year, so I only got a chance to use it once. I like the way the split grip fits in my hand and I think it does help with the sensitivity. For Walleye fishing, I like a good sensitive rod to feel the bite.

    Keith Fischer
    Posts: 116



    I don’t have a split grip, but I can say that I do feel the bite on my 32″ TUC.


    If there’s ONE thing I see about ice fishermen, on this site
    especially, they want to be on top of the new gimmick. How
    can you use a split grip in a rod holder? It’s called
    MARKETING guys!


    I don’t have a split grip but I keep my finger on the blank and feel the bite a lot of the time. Mid-winter when the panfish aren’t as agressive I watch the tip but early and late you can feel the bite for sure.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    The design of the split grip rod was to allow both pistol grip fishermen and standard grip fishermen to feel the blank. Having a feeling on the blank not only detects bites but it also allows you to detect how your bait is moving or working according to the jiggin motion. This is very difficult with standard cork as the glue/resin/masking tape will deaden the sensitivity. If the blank is exposed, like a true split grip a fisherman can adjust the grip to maximize the sensitivity of the rod and its handle.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 1001

    I could not have said it better than Calvin just did.

    It does help sensitivity, any direct contact to the blank makes it more sensitive. It helps when fishing certain reels as well.

    It also decreases the overall weight of the rod. I know it sounds silly in an ice rod but, anything helps.

    Posts: 63

    i have a split 30 noodle and i love it…fits my hand great!!!

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