Ice reels???

  • toxic11
    Posts: 222

    I’m lookin to buy a good reel for my TUC 30″ precision rod. I am looking at the shimano Sonora 1000fb. Any one has this reel. And what other reels are you guys using.

    Posts: 4033

    I’m using a pflueger trion on my TUC noodle and love it.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 42

    I think a 1000 size might be too heavy I would go with a Shimano 500. either sienna or sedona.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    I’m using a Sedona 500 on my 30″ noodle. Works great.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    I’m using a Sedona 500 on my 30″ noodle. Works great.

    x2 (spinning reel)

    As mention below if you looking for a flat reel you cant beat the Okuma SLV 2/3 for the price

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    Okuma SLV! I have a 4-5 and a 2-3 wt, the 2-3 wt is more ideal because of it’s size. Love my fly reels and the drag on those reels are pretty good! Pulling line might seem like an inconvenience at first but the lures get down just about the same time comparing to a spinning reel and you really do get used to them! Just my 2 pennies…

    Posts: 9167

    $30 range you have the pflueger trion 4520 and shimano sienna 500

    $50 range you have the pflueger president 6920 and shimano sedona 500

    Shimano also has some higher and reels like a sahara or symetre in the 500 size, but at the price they are overkill for a light rod like a TUC precision.

    Those are my favorite brands and what I recommend for the best bang for your buck reel to last. I really like the Trion personally. I wouldn’t go any bigger than a 500 size shimano or 20 size pflueger.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    I use all 500 size Shimano’s, except for on my Pike and Laker rods, Then I use 1000’s.
    Biggest problem that I run into is the Shimano’s are great but you have to gut them and put in cold weather grease and fix the drag washers. It makes them a lot smoother and easier to fish those super light lines.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 99

    I have Shimano Sedona 1000s on both my 36″ split and 34″ standard precision rods. I like the increase in weight for the drag compared to the 500. Like John said, only downside is they gum up really bad in cold weather so you have to guy them and put in different lube which makes them run much better. I’ve had one gum up so bad, I snapped the line trying to pull out line.

    Posts: 63

    i fish 2 shimano symetre 500’s and 4 tica ss500s….the ticas seem smoother to me actually and are a great buy for 50 bucks!

    Posts: 1

    I use all Shimano. Size 500 Sedonas and 1000 Saharas. Never had any issues with them “gumming” up on me and they each have been iced up and frozen several times. Still all work like new. Maybe the newer manufactured ones are better? They’ve all been bought in the past three years.

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