Your favorite auger and why?

  • MikeLarson
    Posts: 87

    well as of yesterday I sold my Jiffy 8in 2hp Stx had it for 6 years and sold it for what I paid for it 6 years ago got to love that well the auger never once gave me a problem and cut fast only down fall was the weight just looking for opinions I am strongly leaning towards a Nils just want your thoughts and what you use. And I am a Honda guy love their generators and my Forman but have heard nothing but problems with that new auger with that Honda motor. Thanks for any input

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I have a Strikemaster 224, they don’t make them any longer though. It is a 4 blade auger and cuts like a hot knife through butter with very little down pressure. The auger actually pulls itself through.

    I can’t believe they quit making them.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    3hp solo with a 8″ 224 bit! There isn’t a faster drill that I’ve seen! Smooth cutting with no bouncing around in the hole. I get about 1.5 years on a set of blades but I usually burn through 5+ gallons of gas a season drilling anywhere from South Dakota to the Minnesota river to lake of the woods.

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    Original Strikemaster Strike-lite with the Subaru Robin motor. The thing weighs 20 lbs. and always starts with ease. I use it for work and for fun and I bet it has drilled 2,000 holes in 4 years.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Strikemaster 2.5 HP Solo Laser, cut great and always starts on the 3rd pull. I think the biggest problem with the Honda so far has been a batch of faulty gas caps that do not vent properly, very easy fix.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Why did you sell the Jiffy? Personally I think you made a mistake unless there was something very wrong with it?
    My 2hp Stealth 8 rocks the house.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    not oil blowing out the exaust

    Easily remedied with Amsoil Sabre 100:1

    And it makes them run better/faster/stronger.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    My favorite auger is one I just started using this year. I received a basically brand new 1989 Jiffy model 50 lite (turns clockwise) had to put a new 6 inch SM worm on it and get it tuned up a little though. Hands down best auger I have ever cut with, cuts quicker than any other Jiffy or SM I have used and it hits the scale at a whopping 18 lbs, IMO this is my perfect auger for the panfishing I do.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I am a Honda guy love their generators and my Forman but have heard nothing but problems with that new auger with that Honda motor. Thanks for any input

    There is no wide spread issues with the Honda augers. In fact, they’re as reliable and user-friendly a product as you’ll find. Don’t let a vocal few skew perceptions. Thousands of these augers have been sold this winter and very, very few have had any issues of any kind. Of course consumers have learned that if they have an issue they run to the internet to voice their concerns… while all the happy customers go about their business.

    My experience with the Honda is that it is an amazingly quiet, powerful and easy to start motor. The overwhelmingly vast majority of Honda owners will tell you the same.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Now THAT sounds like an Honda!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 169



    I am a Honda guy love their generators and my Forman but have heard nothing but problems with that new auger with that Honda motor. Thanks for any input

    There is no wide spread issues with the Honda augers. In fact, they’re as reliable and user-friendly a product as you’ll find. Don’t let a vocal few skew perceptions. Thousands of these augers have been sold this winter and very, very few have had any issues of any kind. Of course consumers have learned that if they have an issue they run to the internet to voice their concerns… while all the happy customers go about their business.

    My experience with the Honda is that it is an amazingly quiet, powerful and easy to start motor. The overwhelmingly vast majority of Honda owners will tell you the same.

    Agreed! My issue was as simple as venting the gas cap. Easy fix and now it runs like a champ!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Now THAT sounds like an Honda!

    Honda makes a darn fine product.

    The only reason I commented on this one is because I just got back from an engineer meeting on the SM product lines where issues and failure rates are discussed. The number of calls on the Hondas have been miniscule. As of last week there’s been one significant mechanical failure out of all the thousands put into service. One. And that was due to the owner running 2 stroke motor oil in the crankcase versus the required 4 stroke oil. Jason (mechanic) down at SM was actually excited to tear that motor down to find out what had happened because he hadn’t had any opportunity to get deep into the guts of one prior due to the lack of issues.

    But I do understand how a vocal few can create a false impression. This is one of those instances where no problem exists and to allow any such talk of issues to persist would do the product an undeserved disservice.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    well as of yesterday I sold my Jiffy 8in 2hp Stx had it for 6 years and sold it for what I paid for it 6 years ago got to love that well the auger never once gave me a problem and cut fast only down fall was the weight just looking for opinions I am strongly leaning towards a Nils just want your thoughts and what you use. And I am a Honda guy love their generators and my Forman but have heard nothing but problems with that new auger with that Honda motor. Thanks for any input

    L3–I’ve used two or three different types of Jiffy’s and have had my Nils (w/ Tanaka) for going on seven or eight years now. I’m not a small or feeble guy (6′ 3″ 220) and I absolutely hated hauling around my buddy’s Model 30…it was an awkward and heavy beast. I’ve been very happy with my Nils and am a bit of an evangelist for this product. Other than the current issue that might potentially be going on with the blade/head, which is inconveniently but easily solved with a trip to Frank DeLuca, you’ll probably be more than happy with the Nils as well…especially if weight is the reason why you’re looking.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James how much is a new one ?

    I think they run $560 or so. Most places are sold out now so availability will be spotty but you should be able to find one if you do a little looking.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    He’s an Authorized Nils sharpener, located in MN and does a fantastic job…Fast turn around and sharper than new…Mines on season 5 or 6 and love it, Frank sharpened it for the first time last year mid season but was my fault due to drilling through some weeds froze in the ice…

    Posts: 4033

    Well since I’m power auger-less again this year, my favorite auger is my 5″ mora. It takes less effort than the 6″ lazer I was using. Haven’t had a fish not fit through the 5″ yet, other than a few carp.

    I WILL have a power auger for next year, building it into the budget for sure. Power auger and a 36″ TUC hole hopping rod are the two top priorities for next season.

    Posts: 493


    He’s an Authorized Nils sharpener, located in MN and does a fantastic job…Fast turn around and sharper than new…Mines on season 5 or 6 and love it, Frank sharpened it for the first time last year mid season but was my fault due to drilling through some weeds froze in the ice…

    You sure drilling through the weeds did this? That sucks! I don’t know if I could own a drill unit that couldn’t drill through weeds. The jiffy stealth is a heavy unit but I don’t worry about weeds. Nils is smokin fast though. Ran a 6″ on tanaka and wow!

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Well there was alot of debris in the ice, and it was a big frozen clump of weeds, still wouldn’t trade it for any other auger I have owned or used….

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Your missing the point they were pulled from the lake, thrown on the ice and with snow melt ect refrozen into the ise, plus was after winter games and after 20,000 people were partying and sledding in the area for 3 days…A few Strikemasters also hit similar stuff and needed new blades…Don’t take much to dull any king of shaver blades, if this worries you then you need a chipper blade, but you wont get what your looking for going that route…By SM’s got new blades at least once a season when I ran Lazers,at near $50 a set, Nils gets multiple seasons and costs me $30 for resharpening…Plus the engine will out last you…

    Posts: 216

    Strikemaster Lazer Pro 3 HP 8″ Auger. This is it’s second season and I haven’t had a problem with it yet. I don’t see the need to upgrade, although I would love to see how the Honda stacks up side by side to the Lazer Pro

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    Been using a Nils for 4 years. Since I walk out light weight is important.Can’t beat the Nils for weight,starting and cutting speed.With the 6″I think it weighs about 20 lbs.
    I’m still on the original blades but have a spare.Guess I’m one of the lucky ones,straight auger shaft.As far as slush after drilling, it will leave a lot in the hole if you don’t pull it out without hitting the trottle.You learn how to do that after a few trips.The auger gaurd on the 8″ SUCK I just ordered a new one from Cold Snap.The gaurd on the 6″ is ok.The 6″ is a little faster than the 8″ but not as much as you would expect. I run 91 non oxy. with Amsoil 100/1 and Startron. There is a new auger on the market called Kluge. They have a gas auger with a chipper blade that never needs sharpening.They are custom built per order in Shore View,MN. Weight is 15lbs. but at $950.00. They also make a electric that run off a 18 volt drill that weights 10 lbs. including the drill at $500.00(6″) to $550.00(8″). You can Goggle them to find the web site.

    Posts: 493

    Shaley that makes more sense then. Not only was it weeds but probably dirt and sand from trucks under the snow.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178


    Shaley that makes more sense then. Not only was it weeds but probably dirt and sand from trucks under the snow.


    Posts: 357

    I have my Tanaka mated up with a 6in mora. It is the most compact and fun thing to use for pan fish. It just eats ice. I have a 8in mora getting fitted with an adapter for the Tanaka. For now I will leave my Nils at the house. If you run and gun and have a Tanaka get a Mora 6 or 8 and have an adapter made. Eighteen pounds of pure fun. And it fits in the small jet sled.

    Posts: 493

    Why the mora blades? Are they more durable then the lazer blades ? Drill faster? I know going by hand augers the mora is much slower….sounds cool. Faster then nils even or just more durable?

    Posts: 4033


    Why the mora blades? Are they more durable then the lazer blades ? Drill faster? I know going by hand augers the mora is much slower….sounds cool. Faster then nils even or just more durable?

    Cheaper blades and they are available nearly everywhere. Who cares if its 2 seconds slower or harder to drill, the engine does the work.

    Lazer would be faster, and nils would be even faster.. but both of those have drawbacks. Lazer blades are expensive (so is the auger) and the nils is both expensive and you will have to order replacement heads or send the head to get sharpened. With a mora if you hit a log you can drive to the bait shop and be back in business for $25-$30.

    That is the only reasons I can think of to use a mora on a tanaka vs a lazer or nils.

    Posts: 252

    The only blades that can be found for good prices are generally Eskimo. You can find their 8″ quantum blades for as cheap as $20-25.

    Posts: 2

    I love my brand new HT Polar Fire gas Auger. It is great. Starts on the first pull everytime and blows through over a foot of ice with no problem. The price is also amazing. It is under $300! I just love it!

    Posts: 493

    Isn’t it a relabeled eskimo?

    Posts: 4033


    Isn’t it a relabeled eskimo?

    relabeled mako. glens has them for 250

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